Kako ukrotiti pobegle SQL stavke po nadgradnji baze, aplikacije ali hardvera?
Po nadgradnjah baze, aplikacije, hardvera in tudi po instalaciji patchsetov se rado zgodi, da nekateri SQL stavki pobegnejo - se ne izvajajo več tako kot pred spremembami. Če se izvajajo hitreje, to nikogar ne boli. Problem pa nastane, ko se začnejo izvajati počasneje.
Kakšne možnosti imamo, da izvajanje teh stavke "fiksiramo"? Kako to dosežemo tudi v Standard ediciji baze?
Ogledali si bomo tudi način, kako take stavke najti.
After upgrading databases, applications, HW or even after installing patch-sets it often happens that some SQL statements go wild, meaning they start performing significantly different compared to their behavior before the change. If performance is better then no one will complain, but if it is worse then you might have a problem.
What options exist to confine the execution of such statements? How this can be done in DB Standard Edition environments?
You will also find out how such SQL statements can be located.
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- Speaker:
- Boris Oblak
- Podjetje
- Abakus plus d.o.o.