Četrtek, 1. junij

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07:30 - 09:00 Registracija

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Track A

Track A (14)


07:30 - 09:00 Registracija

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Track B

Track B (14)


07:30 - 09:00 Registracija

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Track C

Track C (14)


07:30 - 09:00 Registracija

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15:00 - 15:45
Oracle Analytics Semantic Modeller

Oracle Analytics Semantic Modeller

One of the most overlooked components of the Oracle Analytics platform has been the Administration Tool used to manage the repository. We'll take a look back at the "Admin" Tool which is being replaced (eventually). Also, we'll look at the structure of the semantic model and take a deep dive into some features that should improve the semantic modelling process.

Joel Acha
17:55 - 18:40
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - novosti

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - novosti

Oracle Cloud infrastructure (OCI) oziroma poljudno imenovan "Oracle Cloud" je eden od 4 največjih ponudnikov oblačnih storitev. OCI ni statičen, ampak se neprestano posodablja - prihajajo nove storitve, obstoječe storitve pridobivajo nove funkcionalnosti, lažjo uporabo, laže upravljanje, večjo povezljivost. Posebej je potrebno omeniti Oracle Cloud@customer ponudbo, ki omogoča izvajanje Cloud storitve na lokaciji pri stranki oziroma na zemlji (ali pod zemljo v kleti organizacije). Prednosti Cloud @cutomer so velike in so najbolje iz obeh svetov - avtomatizacija in elastičnost oblačnih storitev na en strani in dobre in hitre povezave s podatki v Sloveniji po drugi strani.

Robert Korošec
15:00 - 15:45
Oracle Database high availability from the client's perspective

Oracle Database high availability from the client's perspective

In this presentation we will look into high availability technologies Oracle provides for database clients, what happens during database instance failover or planned maintenance, and how to configure database services so that Java applications experience no or minimal disruption during scheduled maintenance or unplanned downtime.

We will cover both Oracle RAC and Oracle Single instance databases. Can some Oracle RAC high-availability features be added to single instance database setups? What is Oracle Connection Manager, and how does it fit into the high availability world. On the client side we will mainly focus on JDBC and UCP clients.

Priit Piipuu
Kindred Group
12:00 - 12:45
Percentiles, lies, and database performance monitoring

Percentiles, lies, and database performance monitoring

It is becoming increasingly popular these days to put response time percentiles into the SLAs and OLAs. But, unfortunately, most people do it wrong. In this presentation, we will explain the most common failure modes regarding performance metrics and how to handle situations when someone comes complaining with a 99th percentile graph.

Response times are often not normally distributed, and averages and dispersions are just garbage. The simplest way to make sense of such data is to use percentiles. Popular choices are 50th (median) and 99th percentiles. By definition, there can be values larger than 99th percentile, so adding 99th percentile to the SLA will hide outliers.

Oracle provides histograms for the wait events, for query response times it is still only averages. The only way to get a hold of the outliers is ASH or event 10046 traces. As always, these options come with their own challenges.

Priit Piipuu
Kindred Group
17:00 - 17:45
Play against vulnerability with APEX

Play against vulnerability with APEX

Do you know that half of the cyber-attacks are never detected? Can you tell if your APEX application is secured? We CAN!

Do you know why? Because we included in the development lifecycle a process to check vulnerabilities and verify the security of our APEX application. This process can and should be included into your development process as well.

In this session we’ll discuss the type of security risks an APEX application can expose, and how our team is doing the evaluation of these risks.

You will find out about the free tools, paid tools and do-it-yourself tools you can use to verify the vulnerability of the system during the development process or gather information on a running system to identify intruders.

The session is inspired by security-check processes we are using in a few projects. It covers technical details as well as project planning, and it is addressed to developers, team leaders, and project managers.

Mirela Ardelean
Equip GmbH
12:55 - 13:40
Real life ORDS; REST in pieces

Real life ORDS; REST in pieces

ORDS plays an important role in the APEX architecture. Next to the database and the browser it is a key component to run any APEX application. But on top of "just" running your APEX application, it also opens up the possibilities of using all kind of RESTful services and features to enhance your application with data that comes from or is send to other sources. This session will cover a number of examples that we created in order to build the application landscape we have today.

Roel Hartman
APEX Consulting
10:05 - 10:50
Stop editing code in Production database - a journey from 90's to CICD

Stop editing code in Production database - a journey from 90's to CICD

Source control in databases is a difficult problem. There are tools like Liquibase or Flyway but none of those is fully addressing all challenges of applying changes to databases. This presentation is based on real life implementation and shows a story of a company moving from direct PL/SQL code edit on production server to CICD pipeline.

List of the typical challenges covered in the presentation: - how to design a source control repository, - how to keep a DDL changes, - code merges, - continuous deployment without production outages - rollback - pipeline implementations

Presentation will finish with lesson learned and potential process and tools improvements including Oracle Cloud DevOps tools.

Marcin Przepiorowski
19:30 - 24:00
Večerni dogodek

Večerni dogodek

Zabava bo potekala čez cesto od hotela Slovenija na plaži Meduza. Začeli bomo s prijetno večerjo in izbiro piv iz Pivovarne Pelicon, med katerimi bodo tudi:

  • Yes Boss!
  • Session IPA
  • Blonde ALE

V ozadju bo glasbo vrtel DJ Jaka, medtem ko bo Sam Sebastian, eden izmed največji čarovnikov, predstavil nekaj trikov, ki jih tudi ChatGPT ne zna razvozlati :-)

dj jaka
17:55 - 18:40
What the Heck is the Oracle Optimizer Doing? Part 2 - Plan Costing

What the Heck is the Oracle Optimizer Doing? Part 2 - Plan Costing

When Oracle optimizes your SQL, it works out what it thinks is the best way to execute your statement to retrieve your data as quickly as possible, minimising unnecessary resource usage. This presentation will look at what Oracle is doing. We will use the 10053 trace functionality to show how Oracle uses statistics to cost your SQL access paths, showing what cost really means and how it works, and the impact of messing with system statistics on your database.

Neil Chandler
Chandler Systems Ltd
17:00 - 17:45
What the Heck is the Oracle Optimizer Doing? Transformations

What the Heck is the Oracle Optimizer Doing? Transformations

When Oracle optimizes your SQL, it works out what it thinks is the best way to execute your statement to retrieve your data as quickly as possible, minimising unnecessary resource usage. This presentation will look at what Oracle is doing. We will use the 10053 trace functionality to show how Oracle is transforming your queries, perhaps in ways you didn't think it was doing!

Neil Chandler
Chandler Systems Ltd
10:05 - 10:50
Zadnje novosti na področju Oracle baze podatkov

Zadnje novosti na področju Oracle baze podatkov

Naslednja verzija Oracle baze podatkov namenjena produkcijski rabi z dolgo podporo bo Oracle 23c. Oracle 23c prinaša veliko novosti na področju JSON, graf, SQL, varnosti, administracije, zmogljivosti, skratka, Oracle 23c bo naslednja najpomembnejša Oracle baza podatkov. Oracle 23c je na voljo v predizdaji in testiranju od začetka leta 2023, na predavanju si bomo ogledali pomembne značilnosti in podrobnosti iz testiranja.

Robert Korošec
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