07:30 - 09:00 Registracija

16:05 - 16:50
Back to the Future with Analytic Function

Back to the Future with Analytic Function

Analytic functions in SQL, also known as windowing functions, have been around for quite a while now. Even if you are familiar with the concept of analytic functions and are working with them occasionally, you may not realize the full potential of this feature, and in how many different scenarios it can be used.

In this session, we will go over a few real-life client requirements for which a solution needs to be found. We will go back to the time before analytic functions existed and will try to solve the client requirements without them. Then, we will return to the present where analytic functions exist, taking advantage of them to provide the same results.

So, if you’d like to see how using analytical functions can provide a simpler, more maintainable, and better-performing solution, then prepare to step into your future and come to this session.

Erik van Roon
12:00 - 12:45
Git for Oracle Developers and DBAs

Git for Oracle Developers and DBAs

Most tutorials covering frontend development include a section about Version Control Systems and their importance during the development process. The same can’t necessarily be said about tutorials describing backend or database development. This might be a fact explaining the difference in adoption. Not using a Version Control System in support of database development is a missed opportunity though, especially since it’s a lot less difficult than one might expect. A plethora of tools such as Liquibase exist to help database developers generate scripts for applying their schema changes to databases. Repeatedly, securely, audited, and of course, version controlled. These scripts can easily be stored in a VCS, enabling entirely different, and more open, ways for developers to collaborate. This talk introduces Oracle developers and administrators alike to the virtues of git in conjunction with Liquibase as the deployment tool of choice. You can learn more about local repositories, branching, merging and how to use remote repositories to work with your peers. Once git’s key concepts are understood using it becomes a lot less scary and can turn into a fun activity

Martin Bach
11:00 - 11:45
Huh? Is It Fixed in 23c? Seriously!

Huh? Is It Fixed in 23c? Seriously!

No matter how long you’ve worked with Oracle Database, you’ll benefit from hearing our database upgrade team’s insider insights. Follow as we describe how a service request becomes a patch. Learn about the time it takes to deliver a patch, what the requirements are to include a fix in a future release update (RU), and why certain patches may never be in a Release Update for your current database release. When do you need a merge patch? And why is Windows different? And where can you find all this information? Find out all this and more.

Daniel Overby Hansen
12:55 - 13:40
Koliko časa traja »restore«? Nič!

Koliko časa traja »restore«? Nič!

»Koliko časa traja restore?« je najpogostejše vprašanje strank, ko se pogovarjamo o backup strategijah. Zanimivo, da skoraj nikogar ne zanima, koliko traja in kolikšen vpliv na poslovanje ima izvajanje backupa, čeprav se ta izvaja redno ves čas, restavriranje pa … če imamo srečo, sploh nikoli.

V preteklosti smo zelo optimizirali backup postopke. Shranjujemo transakcije zbirk podatkov, uporabljamo bitmap indekse za označevanje spremenjenih blokov podatkov, da jih hitro najdemo in shranimo.

Ker pa to ne rešuje naslovnega vprašanja, smo v zadnjem času veliko truda vložili tudi v »restore«. Izkušenejši uporabniki se zatečejo k matematiki in znajo izračunati, da skozi gigabitni kanal dobimo približno 100 MB/s. Obnova 10 TB podatkov torej pri gigabitni hitrosti traja približno 24 ur, pri večji hitrosti sorazmerno manj. Matematika se tu zdi neizprosna.

Z inovativnimi postopki lahko matematiko pretentamo. Izhajamo s predpostavke, da kopijo podatkov že imamo. Zakaj bi te prepisovali na njihovo originalno mesto in ČAKALI, da se prepišejo? Zakaj preprosto teh podatkov ne bi kar uporabili TAKOJ – na mestu, kjer so. Čas nedostopnosti storitev se tako skrajša na samo aktivacijo podatkov – skoraj na NIČ. Ko storitve že delujejo, pa lahko v ozadju premeščamo podatke na originalno mesto.

Sergej Rožman
ABAKUS plus d.o.o.
15:00 - 15:45
Oracle Database high availability from the client's perspective

Oracle Database high availability from the client's perspective

In this presentation we will look into high availability technologies Oracle provides for database clients, what happens during database instance failover or planned maintenance, and how to configure database services so that Java applications experience no or minimal disruption during scheduled maintenance or unplanned downtime.

We will cover both Oracle RAC and Oracle Single instance databases. Can some Oracle RAC high-availability features be added to single instance database setups? What is Oracle Connection Manager, and how does it fit into the high availability world. On the client side we will mainly focus on JDBC and UCP clients.

Priit Piipuu
Kindred Group
17:55 - 18:40
What the Heck is the Oracle Optimizer Doing? Part 2 - Plan Costing

What the Heck is the Oracle Optimizer Doing? Part 2 - Plan Costing

When Oracle optimizes your SQL, it works out what it thinks is the best way to execute your statement to retrieve your data as quickly as possible, minimising unnecessary resource usage. This presentation will look at what Oracle is doing. We will use the 10053 trace functionality to show how Oracle uses statistics to cost your SQL access paths, showing what cost really means and how it works, and the impact of messing with system statistics on your database.

Neil Chandler
Chandler Systems Ltd
17:00 - 17:45
What the Heck is the Oracle Optimizer Doing? Transformations

What the Heck is the Oracle Optimizer Doing? Transformations

When Oracle optimizes your SQL, it works out what it thinks is the best way to execute your statement to retrieve your data as quickly as possible, minimising unnecessary resource usage. This presentation will look at what Oracle is doing. We will use the 10053 trace functionality to show how Oracle is transforming your queries, perhaps in ways you didn't think it was doing!

Neil Chandler
Chandler Systems Ltd
10:05 - 10:50
Zadnje novosti na področju Oracle baze podatkov

Zadnje novosti na področju Oracle baze podatkov

Naslednja verzija Oracle baze podatkov namenjena produkcijski rabi z dolgo podporo bo Oracle 23c. Oracle 23c prinaša veliko novosti na področju JSON, graf, SQL, varnosti, administracije, zmogljivosti, skratka, Oracle 23c bo naslednja najpomembnejša Oracle baza podatkov. Oracle 23c je na voljo v predizdaji in testiranju od začetka leta 2023, na predavanju si bomo ogledali pomembne značilnosti in podrobnosti iz testiranja.

Robert Korošec
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