Track C (9)

14:50 - 15:35
Agilen razvoj spletnih aplikacij

Agilen razvoj spletnih aplikacij

Na Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje se za razvoj informacijskih rešitev uporabljajo tehnologije JAVA, BPM in RASD.

Na konferenci bi predstavili uporabo RASD platforme za izdelavo spletnih aplikacij in REST servisov, ki ga na Zavodu uporabljamo. RASD (Rapid Application Service Development) je razvojna platforma, ki omogoča hiter in enostaven razvoj HTML5 spletnih aplikacij in REST servisov na ORACLE baznem okolju. Ker je orodje enostavno za uporabo lahko v RASDju razvijajo uporabniki z različnim nivojem znanja programiranja (low/no code programming).

Na kratko bi opisali zahteve za namestitev in potek namestitve, integracijo z Git in vpeljavo DevOps metodologije za avtomatsko nameščanje, večji del predavanja pa bi namenili samemu orodju za razvoj aplikacij in servisov, opisu funkcionalnosti, generiranju kode, poteku izvedbe in končni uporabnosti. Predstavili bi tudi enostaven testni primer izdelave aplikacije.

9:00 - 9:45
CI/CD of relational databases

CI/CD of relational databases

Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) for database applications is becoming more common. Many projects create CI/CD pipelines to make their work easier and improve integration and deployment quality. Many tools promise a comprehensive solution for implementing database CI/CD and solving all kinds of problems. But what is known about database CI/CD from a scientific point of view? What elements are necessary for efficient and effective CI/CD? What improves team performance and reduces the risk of releases? This talk will present the latest data from a database CI/CD research project and examples of database CI/CD pipelines.

Jasmin Fluri
Schaltstelle GmbH
11:55 - 12:40
Enemy of the Session State

Enemy of the Session State

This session will cover mistakes that are easily made - even by experienced developers - regarding the (mis)use of APEX Session State, database session contexts and caching. Hopefully this will prevent you to fall in a similar pitfall and stop you from being an enemy of the session state!

Roel Hartman
APEX Consulting
15:45 - 16:30
To V or not to V? or.. using SQL Macros in APEX?

To V or not to V? or.. using SQL Macros in APEX?

The V function has been around APEX as long as ... let's say very long and that's a long time. The V function allows you to reference item values from session state in your SQL statements. When calling V there would always be a price to pay. With recent releases of the database there is a new way to do something similar; SQL Macro. With SQL Macro you can create parameterized views and this could be very interesting for APEX Developers. In this session I will give you an overview of this new functionality and how you can use it in your APEX applications.

Alex Nuijten
13:50 - 14:35
Understanding auto-rest (ORDS on steroids)

Understanding auto-rest (ORDS on steroids)

The Oracle Restful Data Services allow to "rest-enable" database objects like Tables, Views, Procedures and Functions. This includes data-retrieval and data-manipulation. Using a few simple directives in the URL you can search for specific records, order the result set or even limit the amount of records retrieved. On top of that the ORDS will automatically show you the resulting JSON The session focuses on the creation and use of autorest enabled services on objects. The creation section (1st half) focuses on the right format of your JSON result. The seconds half covers consuming these services; how to do CRUD operations, how to search the for data, how to paginate etc.

Richard Martens
SMART4Solutions BV
10:05 - 10:50
Where it all comes together, secured payments with APEX

Where it all comes together, secured payments with APEX

Every Oracle release new features are introduced, but when to use them? In this presentation we are not diving deep into one specific feature but make use of a few to implement a payment interface with Oracle APEX. You will see everything you need to know to build an interace like that. I will also share the difficulties you will encounter building an interface like this. So if you want to know more about a real life use case for authentication, REST communication, JSON in the database and Webhooks this presentation will certainly please you. I will use Mollie as a payment provider.

Alan Arentsen
Arentsen Database Consultancy
11:00 - 11:45
Why I love the APEX-LOV

Why I love the APEX-LOV

'Choose an option', 'Mark your preference', 'Select your country' ...

Every web application we are using for booking our travels, for online banking, for placing online orders has at least one of these elements, has a list of choices.

A list of choices can be represented in APEX as a radio group or checkbox or select lists or popup LOV or shuttle.

Among these, the Popup LOV is the most complex component a developer can use for displaying a list of choices.

Join my session to learn more about it.

After a brief overview on every one of these item types, the talk will focus on the evolution of the Popup LOV, from the simple ones available in APEX 5.x to the mature ones available in APEX 23.1

How and where to define a LOV, are there any rules to follow, is it an advantage to define a LOV as a shared component, how dynamic a LOV can be, may I create dynamic actions associated with a LOV, does a LOV understand JavaScript?

This presentation aims to give answers to these questions.

The talk is addressed to not-so-experimented developers but even an advanced one might learn a trick or two.

Mirela Ardelean
Equip GmbH
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