9:00 - 9:45 Petek, 2. junij

(Single) Table Recovery

Every DBA should know this situation. You receive a call from a user or customer. After executing a wrong command, for example, a DELETE without a correct WHERE clause or a script against the production database instead of the test database, the data of one or more tables have now a wrong state.

A rollback can solve this problem quickly, but what are the options when the transaction is already committed? In this presentation, I will explain possible ways to restore the state of a single table.

  • Flashback Query/Table/Transaction
  • Table Recovery using RMAN
  • Export/Import
  • LogMiner"
Christian Gohmann
Trivadis - Part of Accenture
15:45 - 16:30 Petek, 2. junij

To V or not to V? or.. using SQL Macros in APEX?

The V function has been around APEX as long as ... let's say very long and that's a long time. The V function allows you to reference item values from session state in your SQL statements. When calling V there would always be a price to pay. With recent releases of the database there is a new way to do something similar; SQL Macro. With SQL Macro you can create parameterized views and this could be very interesting for APEX Developers. In this session I will give you an overview of this new functionality and how you can use it in your APEX applications.

Alex Nuijten
14:50 - 15:35 Petek, 2. junij

Using ORDS, REST webservices, PL/SQL and OAuth2 to Build, Deploy and Secure an API

In this presentation, through building practical examples, attendees will learn how to build a secured REST API to enable searching on their application.

The resulting technology-independent REST API will be usable by both Oracle and by non-Oracle environments alike.

Topics to be covered include:

  • an architectural overview of the creation of ORDS web services in PL/SQL
  • setting up ORDS for your database schema
  • defining the search API in PL/SQL
  • creating ORDS module and templates for the API
  • management of HTTP return statuses and result pages pagination
  • securing the API via OAuth2 using ORDS clients, privileges and roles.
Niall Mc Phillips
Long Acre
14:50 - 15:35 Petek, 2. junij

Agilen razvoj spletnih aplikacij

Na Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje se za razvoj informacijskih rešitev uporabljajo tehnologije JAVA, BPM in RASD.

Na konferenci bi predstavili uporabo RASD platforme za izdelavo spletnih aplikacij in REST servisov, ki ga na Zavodu uporabljamo. RASD (Rapid Application Service Development) je razvojna platforma, ki omogoča hiter in enostaven razvoj HTML5 spletnih aplikacij in REST servisov na ORACLE baznem okolju. Ker je orodje enostavno za uporabo lahko v RASDju razvijajo uporabniki z različnim nivojem znanja programiranja (low/no code programming).

Na kratko bi opisali zahteve za namestitev in potek namestitve, integracijo z Git in vpeljavo DevOps metodologije za avtomatsko nameščanje, večji del predavanja pa bi namenili samemu orodju za razvoj aplikacij in servisov, opisu funkcionalnosti, generiranju kode, poteku izvedbe in končni uporabnosti. Predstavili bi tudi enostaven testni primer izdelave aplikacije.

10:05 - 10:50 Track C

Stop editing code in Production database - a journey from 90's to CICD

Source control in databases is a difficult problem. There are tools like Liquibase or Flyway but none of those is fully addressing all challenges of applying changes to databases. This presentation is based on real life implementation and shows a story of a company moving from direct PL/SQL code edit on production server to CICD pipeline.

List of the typical challenges covered in the presentation: - how to design a source control repository, - how to keep a DDL changes, - code merges, - continuous deployment without production outages - rollback - pipeline implementations

Presentation will finish with lesson learned and potential process and tools improvements including Oracle Cloud DevOps tools.

Marcin Przepiorowski
9:00 - 9:45 Track C

CI/CD of relational databases

Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) for database applications is becoming more common. Many projects create CI/CD pipelines to make their work easier and improve integration and deployment quality. Many tools promise a comprehensive solution for implementing database CI/CD and solving all kinds of problems. But what is known about database CI/CD from a scientific point of view? What elements are necessary for efficient and effective CI/CD? What improves team performance and reduces the risk of releases? This talk will present the latest data from a database CI/CD research project and examples of database CI/CD pipelines.

Jasmin Fluri
Schaltstelle GmbH
14:50 - 15:35 Track C

Agilen razvoj spletnih aplikacij

Na Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje se za razvoj informacijskih rešitev uporabljajo tehnologije JAVA, BPM in RASD.

Na konferenci bi predstavili uporabo RASD platforme za izdelavo spletnih aplikacij in REST servisov, ki ga na Zavodu uporabljamo. RASD (Rapid Application Service Development) je razvojna platforma, ki omogoča hiter in enostaven razvoj HTML5 spletnih aplikacij in REST servisov na ORACLE baznem okolju. Ker je orodje enostavno za uporabo lahko v RASDju razvijajo uporabniki z različnim nivojem znanja programiranja (low/no code programming).

Na kratko bi opisali zahteve za namestitev in potek namestitve, integracijo z Git in vpeljavo DevOps metodologije za avtomatsko nameščanje, večji del predavanja pa bi namenili samemu orodju za razvoj aplikacij in servisov, opisu funkcionalnosti, generiranju kode, poteku izvedbe in končni uporabnosti. Predstavili bi tudi enostaven testni primer izdelave aplikacije.

15:45 - 16:30 Track C

To V or not to V? or.. using SQL Macros in APEX?

The V function has been around APEX as long as ... let's say very long and that's a long time. The V function allows you to reference item values from session state in your SQL statements. When calling V there would always be a price to pay. With recent releases of the database there is a new way to do something similar; SQL Macro. With SQL Macro you can create parameterized views and this could be very interesting for APEX Developers. In this session I will give you an overview of this new functionality and how you can use it in your APEX applications.

Alex Nuijten
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