
Bodite pozorni na vse najnovejše novice naših predavateljev. Seznam predavateljev se lahko spremeni, brez opozorila. Seznam predavateljev še ni končen.

Alan Arentsen--Developer

Alan ArentsenDeveloper

Alan Arentsen is an Oracle APEX developer with experience on a wide spectrum. He has done everything between installations and development in PL/SQL and APEX. Alan has been developing applications in Java, C++, and various scripting tools since 1998. Since he met APEX, his enthusiasm has grown. Nowadays he also is focussing on Oracle JET. So far he has presented on the following conferences since 2014: DOAG, APEX World, KScope, SIOUG, OpenWorld, OUGN, AMIS 25 BEYOND THE HORIZON, UKOUG Tech, Oracle Code, Tech Experience, HROUG, APEX Connect and several online conferences. In June 2017 he was rewarded with the Oracle ACE award.

Where it all comes together, secured payments with APEX
Arentsen Database Consultancy
Aleksandra Grašič--Developer

Aleksandra GrašičDeveloper

Aleksandra Grašič je na Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje zaposlena že od leta 2009 in sicer v sektorju za informacijske tehnologije, v službi za programiranje in upravljanje aplikacij. S pridobljenim znanjem na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko in prvih korakov programiranja v gospodarstvu je na Zavodu sprva začela z razvijanjem aplikacij v JAVI in EGL ter WCM dopolnitvami na spletni in intranetni strani, vendar pa je v želji po izpopolnjevanju in novih znanjih nadgradila in razširila poznavanje programskih jezikov in orodij za razvoj na PL/SQL, RASD, HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, CSS3 in PHP. Prvi projekti na Zavodu so bili iz področja matične evidence in razvoj servisov za projekt upravljanja z dokumentarnim gradivom z uporabo JAVA in EGL, zadnja leta pa je glavni projekt modernizacija upokojitvenega postopka z uporabo RASD in PL/SQL.

Jožko Hočevar je po končanem izobraževanju na EF Ljubljana smeri Poslovna Informatika delal 5 let v gospodarstvu kot razvojnik na Oracle in poslovni analitik ter kasneje tudi projektni vodja na projektih za carino, SURS in EU. Na Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje je zaposlen od leta 2009 v sektorju za informacijske tehnologije, v službi za programiranje in upravljanje aplikacij. Z več kot 15 letnimi izkušnjami razvoja v PL/SQL in platformi RASD se je sčasoma specializiral za razvoj spletnih aplikacij.

Agilen razvoj spletnih aplikacij
Alex Nuijten--Independent Consultant

Alex NuijtenIndependent Consultant

Alex Nuijten is an independent consultant (allAPEX), specializing in Oracle database development with PL/SQL and Oracle Application Express (APEX). Besides his consultancy work, he conducts training classes, mainly in APEX, SQL and PL/SQL. Alex has been a speaker at numerous international conferences, such as ODTUG, Oracle Open World, UKOUG, IOUG, OUGF, BGOUG, nlOUG APEX World and OBUG. For his presentations, Alex received several Best Speaker awards. He wrote many articles in Oracle related magazines, and at regular intervals he writes about Oracle Application Express and Oracle database development on his blog "Notes on Oracle" ( Alex is co-author of the following books “Oracle APEX Best Practices” (published by Packt Publishers) and “Real World SQL and PL/SQL” (published by Oracle Press). Because of his contributions to the Oracle community, Alex was awarded the Oracle ACE Director membership in August 2010.

Bojan Matijašević--Principal Solution Engineer

Bojan MatijaševićPrincipal Solution Engineer

Cloud Systems Principal Solution Engineer with more than 20 years of professional experience in delivering IT infrastructure projects delivering Enterprise servers (Oracle, Sun Microsystems, HP integrity), Storage systems (Oracle, Sun Microsystems, EMC), software and applications for backup and data availability (Oracle, SUN, HP, Veritas, Symantec), Virtualization solutions (Oracle VM for SPARC, Oacle VM, VMware, Linux XEN and KVM), Unix and Linux OS (Solaris, HPUX, Linux), SAN equipment (Brocade), Network solutions for Enterprise and ISP (isc DHCP and DNS, juniper radius, fault and monitoring).

Is your database backup recoverable?
Christian Gohmann--Principal Consultant

Christian GohmannPrincipal Consultant

Christian Gohmann is currently working as Principal Consultant and Instructor at Trivadis Germany GmbH in Dusseldorf, Germany. His main focus lies in helping customers in the areas of architecture planning, implementation, and migration - with a specialization on high availability solutions, like Data Guard, Oracle RAC.

(Single) Table Recovery
Trivadis Germany GmbH
Welcome to the World of OPatch
Daniel Overby Hansen--Senior Principal Product Manager

Daniel Overby HansenSenior Principal Product Manager

Daniel is a Senior Principal Product Manager for Cloud Migrations at Oracle. He is part of Database Upgrade, Patching & Utilities and thus works with the entire portfolio of the team. Before joining Oracle, Daniel had a long career as operational database administrator and database developer at a global provider of financial services. Daniel’s motto is that databases are fun but when he is not messing with databases, he takes care of his family in Denmark and enjoys the outdoor life with farming, running, and hiking.

Domen Dolar--Vodja aplikativnega razvoja

Domen DolarVodja aplikativnega razvoja

Domen Dolar je vodja aplikativnega razvoja na Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije. Ima veliko izkušenj pri razvoju in vzdrževanju kompleksnih poslovnih programskih rešitev v različnih tehnologijah (preko 20let). Njegove naloge se v največji meri nanašajo na razvoj programske opreme, pri čemer skrbi za metodologijo razvoja, njene implementacije v razvojna orodja (posebno razvojno virtualno okolje) in vse, kar vpliva na to. Kot mentor, vodja večjih razvojnih (eZPIZ, EESSI idr.) in manjših projektov (DevOps, SDG ...), ključni načrtovalec in implementator skrbi za optimizacijo razvoja v vseh postopkih, vključno s tistimi, ki vplivajo na sistemske službe. Raziskovanje in razvoj programske opreme ga še vedno močno zanima in redno preizkuša in testira nove platforme in orodja. Z programiranje se ukvarja, odkar je dobil prvi računalnik. Prvo predavanje še na takratnem SIOUG pa je imel že v letu 2000 kot študent v laboratoriju za informatiko Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko. Pred prihodom na ZPIZ pa je več kot 10 let delal v gospodarstvu. 

Jasmin Fluri--Database Automation Engineer

Jasmin FluriDatabase Automation Engineer

Jasmin Fluri works as a Database Automation Engineer at Schaltstelle GmbH and lectures on software engineering at the University of Applied Sciences North-Western Switzerland. Her focus as a database developer lies on continuous integration and delivery pipelines, PL/SQL development, data engineering and data warehousing. She is part of the Oracle ACE Program as an Oracle ACE Pro.

CI/CD of relational databases
Schaltstelle GmbH
Joel Acha--Senior Business Solutions Architect

Joel AchaSenior Business Solutions Architect

Senior Business Solutions Architect at Qubix. Oracle ACE Associate ♠️, Oracle Cloud Platform Enterprise Analytics 2022 Specialist. ODTUG Analytics Track Lead and Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite 11g Certified Implementation Specialist. An experienced hands-on Business Analytics Data Warehousing Team Lead/Developer/Architect/Consultant, Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) 10g, 11g to 12c, Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC), Oracle Analytics Server (OAS), Oracle Analytics Publisher (OAP), BI Publisher, Oracle Fusion, OTBI with over 20 years’ commercial experience.

Oracle Analytics Semantic Modeller
Jožko Hočevar--Developer

Jožko HočevarDeveloper

Jožko Hočevar je po končanem izobraževanju na EF Ljubljana smeri Poslovna Informatika delal 5 let v gospodarstvu kot razvojnik na Oracle in poslovni analitik ter kasneje tudi projektni vodja na projektih za carino, SURS in EU. Na Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje je zaposlen od leta 2009 v sektorju za informacijske tehnologije, v službi za programiranje in upravljanje aplikacij. Z več kot 15 letnimi izkušnjami razvoja v PL/SQL in platformi RASD se je sčasoma specializiral za razvoj spletnih aplikacij.

Agilen razvoj spletnih aplikacij
Julian Frey--CEO

Julian FreyCEO

Julian Frey is founder of CITE GmbH. During his more than 10 years of consulting he has gained a lot of experience in many areas, especially in the areas of HA, Engineered Systems and Monitoring. He is a frequent speaker and founder of the Oracle Beer Bern Meetup Group. Julian is a member of the Oracle ACE Program as an Oracle ACE Pro.

Julij Božič--Technology Cloud Leader

Julij BožičTechnology Cloud Leader

Distinguished by years of experience and achievements in information and communications technologies, and long-standing experience in marketing, sales and management. I spend countless hours mentoring, coaching and helping startups and young entrepreneurs on the path of change and success. My goal is to design the culture of innovation to establish highly committed and engaged employees to do their best work toward a shared purpose. I am always striving to be an "out of the box thinker", with a focus on team effort and achieving business goals.

Oracle Keynote
Karmen Kern Pipan--Vodja sektorja za upravljanje s podatki

Karmen Kern PipanVodja sektorja za upravljanje s podatki

Dr. Karmen Kern Pipan ima bogate izkušnje na področju kakovosti, strateškega načrtovanja, razvoja informacijskih rešitev ter upravljanja podatkov. V svoji karieri je vodila sektor za kakovost in poslovno odličnost na Uradu RS za meroslovje, delovala kot visokošolska predavateljica in vodila medresorsko skupino za pripravo Strategije razvoj javne uprave 2020. Deset let je delovala kot mednarodna ocenjevalka EFQM v Bruslju. Predava Smernice za razvoj informacijskih rešitev in deluje kot vodja Sektorja za upravljanje podatkov v Direktoratu za razvoj digitalnih rešitev in podatkovno ekonomijo, Ministrstva za digitalno preobrazbo, kjer pokrivajo podatkovno skladišče in poslovno inteligenco, semantično interoperabilnost, centralni besednjak, semantični analizator, interoperabilnostni razvoj (NIO) ter strateški razvoj na področju upravljanja podatkov.

Business Inteligence v podporo odločanju na podlagi podatkov.
Ministrstvo za digitalno preobrazbo
Marcin Przepiorowski--Director, Technical Sales

Marcin PrzepiorowskiDirector, Technical Sales

My name is Marcin Przepiorowski. I’m working with Oracle technology stack since 2001. I’m interested in three areas - automation, high availability (DataGuard, RAC, etc) and performance monitoring and troubleshooting. For last 10 years I’m involved in OUG community and blogger community. I presented on UKOUG, German DOAG, Polish OUG, Irish and BGOUG conferences. I’m a proud member of OakTable.

Martin Bach--Product Manager

Martin BachProduct Manager

Martin is a Product Manager working for Oracle since December 2021, helping customers in Europe and around the world address their IT-related problems. Before joining Oracle he spend 8 years working for @Enkitec. Martin is primarily interested in cloud technology, DevOps, and how to combine the two to effectively work with the Oracle database engine. In addition to his blog Martin published three well-received books about Oracle technology covering Real Application Clusters, Database Consolidation and Exadata. Martin is a former Ace Directory and a regular speaker at international conferences where he enjoys exchanging thoughts with the community

Mirela Ardelean--PL/SQL and APEX developer

Mirela ArdeleanPL/SQL and APEX developer

Mirela Ardelean started developing in PL/SQL and Oracle Forms back in 2000 and she is currently working as an APEX and PL/SQL developer for a consultancy company. She is co-founder and Vice-President of Romanian Oracle User Group, board member of EOUC e.V., meetup organizer, lecturer for students enrolled in Oracle Academy program, part of the team who initiate the Mentor and Speaker Hub Program, editor-in-chief for ORAWORLD . Mirela is an Oracle ACE Pro and she is the first person from Romania accepted in Oracle ACE Program.

Play against vulnerability with APEX
Equip GmbH
Monika Lewandowska--freelancer

Monika Lewandowskafreelancer

Monika is an experienced Oracle architect, designer, and developer. She has started her journey with Oracle in the last century with Oracle DB 7, continues to this day. She emphasizes the solution's simplicity, code quality, best practices, and above all - system performance. She is an Oracle Ace and willingly shares her experience. She loves fast motorcycles and databases!

Oracle The Most Mysterious Cases
Neil Chandler--Independent Consultant

Neil ChandlerIndependent Consultant

Neil is an independent consultant who specialises in Performance Tuning, RAC, DataGuard, Goldengate, Upgrades, Data Migration, with some PL/SQL and Apex Development. He also has experience with other relational databases, NoSQL databases, and Linux and AIX administration. Neil is an Oracle ACE Director, and a board member of the UKOUG. He likes to drink strong smooth Italian coffee, good beer and better whisky, depending upon the time of day.

Niall Mc Phillips--CEO

Niall Mc PhillipsCEO

Niall Mc Phillips is an Oracle ACE Pro and is the organiser of the Swiss APEX Meetup group. Niall has been developing using Oracle since 1989, has been using Oracle PL/SQL Web technologies since 1995, and has used Oracle APEX since 2005. He has developed a number of large, multilingual applications for multinational companies and organizations all over the world.

He is a strong believer in APEX and PL/SQL solutions because of their stability, scalability, and rapid development speed. Niall has presented at conferences on different subjects including the use of Oracle technologies such as ORDS, APEX, PL/SQL, REST, JSON, Oracle Text, SODA, Multimedia as well as on his experiences with the implementation of large Oracle APEX projects.

Patrick Barel--PL/SQL Developer

Patrick BarelPL/SQL Developer

Patrick Barel is a PL/SQL Developer for Qualogy [] in the Netherlands. Besides working with SQL and PL/SQL he wrote different plug-ins [] for PL/SQL Developer []. He publishes articles on his own blog []. In 2015 he received the Oracle Developer Choice Award in the PL/SQL Category. In 2019 he was promoted to Oracle ACE Director [] In 2023 he published his first book: Modern Oracle Database Programming

Game, Set and Match
Paula Jožefa Kolenko--Vodja projekta za uvedbo poslovne analitike

Paula Jožefa KolenkoVodja projekta za uvedbo poslovne analitike

Paula Kolenko je svojo kariero posvetila področju podatkovne analitike in vrsto let delovala v okviru razvoja, nadgradenj in vzdrževanja informacijskega sistema MFERAC (plače, kadri, finance, idr.) na Ministrstvu za finance. V zadnjem obdobju je vodja projekta za uvedbo poslovne analitike v organe državne uprave (sistem Skrinja) v Direktoratu za razvoj digitalnih rešitev in podatkovno ekonomijo, Ministrstva za digitalno preobrazbo. Strokovno sodeluje tudi na področju razvoja drugih informacijskih rešitev, povezanih s poslovno inteligenco, napovedno analitiko in podatkovnimi prostori, objavlja članke in je aktivna na strokovnih in znanstvenih konferencah s svojega strokovnega področja.
Priit Piipuu--Oracle DBA

Priit PiipuuOracle DBA

Priit has been meddling with databases for almost 20 years. First as a certified Oracle DBA, now as a database performance engineer helping developers to use database related technologies in best possible manner. Contrary to (stereo-) typical database person, Priit is not afraid to get deep into client side development technologies - he decompiles java code for breakfast.

Richard Martens--CTO

Richard MartensCTO

Richard Martens has been involved in information technology for more than 20 years. He started as a web developer using the Oracle database as no more than data storage. Richard has been responsible for major European multilingual websites and has been working with the Oracle database since 2000. During those years, he developed himself using a multitude of technologies and specialized in PL/SQL and Oracle APEX. Richard has been working primarily with PLSQL and APEX since 2005. With APEX, he combines the things he loves most: the Oracle database and web technologies.

Robert Korošec--Solution Engineer

Robert KorošecSolution Engineer

Robert Korošec je začel s verzijo Oracle 7.2 in je od 1999 je zaposlen v podjetju Oracle Software, kjer je delal kot svetovalec za Oracle baze podatkov in Oracle Exadata sisteme. V zadnjem času deluje na področju Oracle Cloud platforme, primarno na področju Autonomous Database za DWH, prediktivne analitike ter BigData analizo podatkov.

Roel Hartman--Director

Roel HartmanDirector

Roel started a long time ago using Oracle RDBMS 5, Oracle Forms 2.3, RPT/RPF and Oracle*Case 4.5. Since over 10 years he focuses mainly on Oracle Application Express. Roel has been a speaker on UKOUG, OOW, Collaborate, ODTUG's Kscope and a number of local Oracle User Groups. Within ODTUG he acted as the APEX Content Lead for the Kscope14 and KScope15 conferences and currently is a member of the Board of Directors. He keeps an (APEX-related) blog on In June 2009 Roel received an Oracle ACE award and in August 2010 he's appointed as Oracle ACE Director. Roel is a co-writer of the "Expert Oracle Application Express" and "Oracle Application Express for Mobile Web Applications" books. Roel is Director at APEX Consulting in The Netherlands.

Enemy of the Session State
APEX Consulting
Real life ORDS; REST in pieces
Sergej Rožman--CTO

Sergej RožmanCTO

Sergej Rožman je diplomiral iz elektronike in magistriral iz telekomunikacij na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko v Ljubljani. Glavna področja njegovega dela v podjetju Abakus plus so: Linux (od l. 1995), sistemi visoke razpoložljivosti (od l. 1990), Oracle podatkovne baze (od ver. 7.1.5), načrtovanje in proizvodnja infrastrukturnih IT gradnikov.

Koliko časa traja »restore«? Nič!
Abakus plus d.o.o.
Vili Tajnič--Principal Solution Engineer

Vili TajničPrincipal Solution Engineer

Vili Tajnić works at Oracle as a Principal Solution Engineer and he often describes himself as a problem solver which happen to come across computers in mid-nineties and got stuck there because he was not able to learn everything about the subject, just yet!

JSON Relational Duality
Viljano Pavletić--Database architect

Viljano PavletićDatabase architect

Viljano Pavletić je kot Database Architect zaposlen na Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije. Sodeluje v razvojnih projektih, svetuje pri zasnovi podatkovnih modelov, opravlja naloge administracije podatkovne baze, razvija in upravlja sisteme za sinhronizacijo podatkovnih baz, načrtuje in upravlja sisteme obdelav,… Od leta 1995, ko se z Oracle tehnologije začel profesionalno ukvarjati, je največ delal na področjih aplikativnega razvoja, načrtovanja in realizacije poslovnih rešitev, načrtovanja podatkovnih modelov, podatkovnih skladiščih, administracije podatkovnih baz in sistemske administracije. Svoje nabrane dolgoletne izkušnje z veseljem deli in pomaga sodelavcem pri reševanju nalog.
Žiga Vaupot--Country manager

Žiga VaupotCountry manager

"Žiga works in IT for almost 30 years. Currently, Žiga is managing Qubix Intl.’s subsidiary, Qubix Svetovanje, based in Slovenia and has been consulting on business analytics solutions, tools and associated technologies for the last 10+ years. In his business intelligence consulting role, Žiga has been working on several projects from UK, EMEA with focus on CEE region, US and Japan, primarily implementing Oracle Business Intelligence / Oracle Analytics based solutions. His focus today is with the latest developments related to Oracle Analytics, Oracle Machine Learning and Oracle Data Science platforms. Before joining Qubix, Žiga has spent 10+ years working for Oracle in CEE region in several roles from technology and application pre-sales, sales and marketing. He also spent 4 years as CIO of the major Slovenian publishing company. Žiga has MBA degree of Faculty of Economics, and BSC degree from Faculty of Computer Sciences and Informatics, both University of Ljubljana. He also holds several certificates, such as Oracle Cloud Platform Enterprise Analytics 2021 Certified Specialist, Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud 2021 Certified Specialist, Oracle Machine Learning using Autonomous Database 2021 Certified Specilist and Certified Business Intelligence Foundation Suite 11g Implementation Specialist."

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