Četrtek, 1. junij

Seznam predavanj se še dopolnjuje, vabimo vas k spremljanju.

07:30 - 09:00 Registracija

9:25 - 9:45
5G Private mobile network on OCI

5G Private mobile network on OCI

Three years ago, S&T Iskratel decided to develop its own 5G core as part of a comprehensive 5G solution, offering high-quality industrial networks for digital transformation. To quickly introduce modern use cases and scalability requirements, it used the concept of a cloud-based network that enables the 5G core to realize its full potential.

It has successfully deployed the 5G core on both public and private cloud infrastructure, enabling exceptional flexibility and scalability not only for its own core but for the entire 5G solution. Using cloud infrastructure, 5G solutions can be tailored to the needs and demands of customers, providing an optimal user experience. Deploying the 5G core on cloud infrastructure also enables more efficient resource utilization, greater security, and reliability of the entire network.

In this talk, we will address the motivation for transitioning to a cloud-native architecture and the experiences gained in developing and deploying cloud-based solutions. We will highlight the problems and challenges that engineers faced and list the numerous competences that S&T Iskratel also offers its customers in the form of professional services.

Urban Zaletel
S&T Iskratel
10:05 - 10:50
Zadnje novosti na področju Oracle baze podatkov

Zadnje novosti na področju Oracle baze podatkov

Naslednja verzija Oracle baze podatkov namenjena produkcijski rabi z dolgo podporo bo Oracle 23c. Oracle 23c prinaša veliko novosti na področju JSON, graf, SQL, varnosti, administracije, zmogljivosti, skratka, Oracle 23c bo naslednja najpomembnejša Oracle baza podatkov. Oracle 23c je na voljo v predizdaji in testiranju od začetka leta 2023, na predavanju si bomo ogledali pomembne značilnosti in podrobnosti iz testiranja.

Robert Korošec
10:05 - 10:50
Database development
Generiranje SVG datotek neposredno iz Oracle podatkovne baze

Generiranje SVG datotek neposredno iz Oracle podatkovne baze

Na predavanju želim predstaviti API za generiranje SVG datotek neposredno iz Oracle podatkovne baze, izključno z uporabo PL/SQL paketa, katerega sem razvil za potrebe mojih projektov. Najprej bom predstavil SVG datoteke – njihovo zgodovino, namen, strukturo, način integracije z CSS in Javascript-om, potem pa uporabo PL/SQL API-ja in konkretne primere implementacije v Oracle APEX aplikaciji. API se je izkazal uporaben, ker za generiranje SVG datotek ne rabimo dodatna orodja ali programske jezike temveč samo PL/SQL znotraj Oracle podatkovne baze.

Zoran Tica
The Right Thing Solutions
10:05 - 10:50
Stop editing code in Production database - a journey from 90's to CICD

Stop editing code in Production database - a journey from 90's to CICD

Source control in databases is a difficult problem. There are tools like Liquibase or Flyway but none of those is fully addressing all challenges of applying changes to databases. This presentation is based on real life implementation and shows a story of a company moving from direct PL/SQL code edit on production server to CICD pipeline.

List of the typical challenges covered in the presentation: - how to design a source control repository, - how to keep a DDL changes, - code merges, - continuous deployment without production outages - rollback - pipeline implementations

Presentation will finish with lesson learned and potential process and tools improvements including Oracle Cloud DevOps tools.

Marcin Przepiorowski
11:00 - 11:45
Huh? Is It Fixed in 23c? Seriously!

Huh? Is It Fixed in 23c? Seriously!

No matter how long you’ve worked with Oracle Database, you’ll benefit from hearing our database upgrade team’s insider insights. Follow as we describe how a service request becomes a patch. Learn about the time it takes to deliver a patch, what the requirements are to include a fix in a future release update (RU), and why certain patches may never be in a Release Update for your current database release. When do you need a merge patch? And why is Windows different? And where can you find all this information? Find out all this and more.

Daniel Overby Hansen
11:00 - 11:45
Database development
Game, Set and Match

Game, Set and Match

The tagline of the Game of Set is: The Family Game of Visual Perception. It is a game of finding matching cards in a selected group of cards. Being a SQL guy, I read this as: SET: The GAME of MATCHing cards. In any database we can select SETs using MATCHing criteria. Where is the GAME? Well, for me, it is a game of trying to solve this puzzle using SQL. You will see how you can use the different SET operators in Oracle, how you can use JOINs to create a SET of cards, from which you can SELECT a puzzle and also find the SETs in that puzzle.

Patrick Barel
11:00 - 11:45
OCI Vision and Oracle Analytics: Just like a Box of Chocolates

OCI Vision and Oracle Analytics: Just like a Box of Chocolates

OCI Vision is a self-service AI Service, which applies computer vision to analyze image-based content. It allows developers easily integrate pre-trained models into their applications with APIs or custom training models to meet their specific use cases. In our example, I will explore how to use OCI Vision service to create a custom-built model to detect pneumonia infected lungs on a fresh dataset of X-ray images. In this example, I am using rather large dataset of X-ray images found on Kaggle.com. Oracle Analytics is then used as a front-end tool to use the model to classify new images for pneumonia.

What to expect to see in this presentation? In the first place, we will demonstrate and explore the whole process from “plain” X-ray image to identifying pneumonia infected lungs using OCI services:

Gathering and storing images to OCI Object Storage. Labeling images depending on whether they represent normal or pneumonia infected lungs using Data Labeling service. Building and training an image classification model using OCI Vision. Registering an OCI Vision model with Oracle Analytics. Applying a model in Oracle Analytics’ Data Flows. Visualizing everything at the end by using Oracle Analytics Data Visualization. Why is this relevant?

Firstly, it shows the flexibility and usability of the OCI ecosystem, specifically Data Lakehouse services. Secondly, the whole process (with exception of data labeling which is done programmatically) is codeless, with not too many steps in the process, and the process itself is really very simple to use. This implies possibilities which can be explored by much wider range of users comparing to the situation today, where all depends on skilled developers and data scientists. And the bottom line, this can have very positive impact on business.

Žiga Vaupot
12:00 - 12:45
Git for Oracle Developers and DBAs

Git for Oracle Developers and DBAs

Most tutorials covering frontend development include a section about Version Control Systems and their importance during the development process. The same can’t necessarily be said about tutorials describing backend or database development. This might be a fact explaining the difference in adoption. Not using a Version Control System in support of database development is a missed opportunity though, especially since it’s a lot less difficult than one might expect. A plethora of tools such as Liquibase exist to help database developers generate scripts for applying their schema changes to databases. Repeatedly, securely, audited, and of course, version controlled. These scripts can easily be stored in a VCS, enabling entirely different, and more open, ways for developers to collaborate. This talk introduces Oracle developers and administrators alike to the virtues of git in conjunction with Liquibase as the deployment tool of choice. You can learn more about local repositories, branching, merging and how to use remote repositories to work with your peers. Once git’s key concepts are understood using it becomes a lot less scary and can turn into a fun activity

Martin Bach
12:00 - 12:45
Percentiles, lies, and database performance monitoring

Percentiles, lies, and database performance monitoring

It is becoming increasingly popular these days to put response time percentiles into the SLAs and OLAs. But, unfortunately, most people do it wrong. In this presentation, we will explain the most common failure modes regarding performance metrics and how to handle situations when someone comes complaining with a 99th percentile graph.

Response times are often not normally distributed, and averages and dispersions are just garbage. The simplest way to make sense of such data is to use percentiles. Popular choices are 50th (median) and 99th percentiles. By definition, there can be values larger than 99th percentile, so adding 99th percentile to the SLA will hide outliers.

Oracle provides histograms for the wait events, for query response times it is still only averages. The only way to get a hold of the outliers is ASH or event 10046 traces. As always, these options come with their own challenges.

Priit Piipuu
Kindred Group
12:00 - 12:45
Cookie Cutter APEX Applications

Cookie Cutter APEX Applications

In a perfect world your APEX SAAS solution would be deployed with a click of a button, have a separate database for each customer, and can a customer choose when they want to upgrade to the next version. In this perfect world, the customer don't have to worry about default lookup data, because the SAAS provider does that. This perfect world can be created with Application Containers and Oracle APEX. In this session you will learn the basics of Application Containers, how data is shared and separated in each container and how a new version is rolled out.

Alex Nuijten & Roel Hartman
12:55 - 13:40
Koliko časa traja »restore«? Nič!

Koliko časa traja »restore«? Nič!

»Koliko časa traja restore?« je najpogostejše vprašanje strank, ko se pogovarjamo o backup strategijah. Zanimivo, da skoraj nikogar ne zanima, koliko traja in kolikšen vpliv na poslovanje ima izvajanje backupa, čeprav se ta izvaja redno ves čas, restavriranje pa … če imamo srečo, sploh nikoli.

V preteklosti smo zelo optimizirali backup postopke. Shranjujemo transakcije zbirk podatkov, uporabljamo bitmap indekse za označevanje spremenjenih blokov podatkov, da jih hitro najdemo in shranimo.

Ker pa to ne rešuje naslovnega vprašanja, smo v zadnjem času veliko truda vložili tudi v »restore«. Izkušenejši uporabniki se zatečejo k matematiki in znajo izračunati, da skozi gigabitni kanal dobimo približno 100 MB/s. Obnova 10 TB podatkov torej pri gigabitni hitrosti traja približno 24 ur, pri večji hitrosti sorazmerno manj. Matematika se tu zdi neizprosna.

Z inovativnimi postopki lahko matematiko pretentamo. Izhajamo s predpostavke, da kopijo podatkov že imamo. Zakaj bi te prepisovali na njihovo originalno mesto in ČAKALI, da se prepišejo? Zakaj preprosto teh podatkov ne bi kar uporabili TAKOJ – na mestu, kjer so. Čas nedostopnosti storitev se tako skrajša na samo aktivacijo podatkov – skoraj na NIČ. Ko storitve že delujejo, pa lahko v ozadju premeščamo podatke na originalno mesto.

Sergej Rožman
ABAKUS plus d.o.o.
12:55 - 13:40
Database development
Getting to grips with JSON in the database

Getting to grips with JSON in the database

With Oracle 21c and 23c, JSON in the database is now a reality. Mixed relational-JSON databases are on the verge of becoming mainstream.

In this session, using practical examples in the Oracle Cloud, we'll look at:

Generating JSON objects from relational data using SQL and PL/SQL

  • JSON object types
  • apex_json
Niall Mc Phillips
Long Acre
12:55 - 13:40
Real life ORDS; REST in pieces

Real life ORDS; REST in pieces

ORDS plays an important role in the APEX architecture. Next to the database and the browser it is a key component to run any APEX application. But on top of "just" running your APEX application, it also opens up the possibilities of using all kind of RESTful services and features to enhance your application with data that comes from or is send to other sources. This session will cover a number of examples that we created in order to build the application landscape we have today.

Roel Hartman
APEX Consulting
15:00 - 15:45
Oracle Database high availability from the client's perspective

Oracle Database high availability from the client's perspective

In this presentation we will look into high availability technologies Oracle provides for database clients, what happens during database instance failover or planned maintenance, and how to configure database services so that Java applications experience no or minimal disruption during scheduled maintenance or unplanned downtime.

We will cover both Oracle RAC and Oracle Single instance databases. Can some Oracle RAC high-availability features be added to single instance database setups? What is Oracle Connection Manager, and how does it fit into the high availability world. On the client side we will mainly focus on JDBC and UCP clients.

Priit Piipuu
Kindred Group
15:00 - 15:45
Oracle Analytics Semantic Modeller

Oracle Analytics Semantic Modeller

One of the most overlooked components of the Oracle Analytics platform has been the Administration Tool used to manage the repository. We'll take a look back at the "Admin" Tool which is being replaced (eventually). Also, we'll look at the structure of the semantic model and take a deep dive into some features that should improve the semantic modelling process.

Joel Acha
15:00 - 15:45
APEX Application lifecycle with feature based deployment

APEX Application lifecycle with feature based deployment

APEX application deployment is mostly done by exporting the application and importing it into the target environment. But what if your team continuously develops (as they should), where do you stop developing to start preparing your release-deployment? You should be able to deploy based on features; without your developers having to halt their development. Using the deployment-method explained in this presentation you will be able to do just that. The method includes things like Code versioning (GIT), Feature-tickets (Jira), Code Review (Quality), Automated Deployment using Jenkins and Flyway. When implemented you will be able to successfully and predictively deploy your APEX applications (including underlying database objects) to the different deployment-environments. With a few modifications you can even upgrade the methodology to be a ""continuous delivery"" methodology.

Richard Martens
SMART4Solutions BV
16:05 - 16:50
Back to the Future with Analytic Function

Back to the Future with Analytic Function

Analytic functions in SQL, also known as windowing functions, have been around for quite a while now. Even if you are familiar with the concept of analytic functions and are working with them occasionally, you may not realize the full potential of this feature, and in how many different scenarios it can be used.

In this session, we will go over a few real-life client requirements for which a solution needs to be found. We will go back to the time before analytic functions existed and will try to solve the client requirements without them. Then, we will return to the present where analytic functions exist, taking advantage of them to provide the same results.

So, if you’d like to see how using analytical functions can provide a simpler, more maintainable, and better-performing solution, then prepare to step into your future and come to this session.

Erik van Roon
16:05 - 16:50
Kako lahko pohitrimo razvoj z Oracle tehnologijo

Kako lahko pohitrimo razvoj z Oracle tehnologijo

Zavod ima že zelo dolgo zgodovino razvoja programske opreme. V zadnjih dobrih desetih letih smo s prenovo celotnega informacijskega sistema prešli na nove tehnologije in platforme. S tem smo močno povečali in pohitrili razvoj poslovnih rešitev. S prehodom na bazo Oracle se je to samo še povečalo. Na predavanju bomo predstavili integracijo programskih rešitev zavoda, kjer uporabljamo tehnologije Oracle. Osredotočili se bomo predvsem na integracijo izvedb aplikacij (različnih tehnologij) v naše okolje DevOps, ki v celoti temelji na produktih odprtih standardov in uporabo ""free"" orodij (integracija SQLcl, plsql2gitlab). Ena od razvojnih tehnologij, ki temelji na Oracle je tudi platforma RASD. S prehodom na DevOps smo avtomatizirali in poenotili nameščanje (testiranje) aplikacij prek vseh okolij zavoda (razvojno, testno, produkcijsko, javno). Poleg tega bomo prikazali ključne komponente tehnologije Oracle, ki jih uporabljamo v razvoju. To so komponente za sinhronizacijo podatkov med različnimi platformami, napredno nadzorno orodje in drugo.

Domen Dolar in Viljano Pavletić
16:05 - 16:50
An Introduction to Container Management, Kubernetes, and Stateful Apps

An Introduction to Container Management, Kubernetes, and Stateful Apps

Containers are essential enablers for distributed applications following a micro-service pattern. A container is an easy, convenient, and safe way for developers to package their applications. Most importantly the risk of breaking other application’s software and library dependencies is greatly reduced by these self-contained artifacts compared to traditional “app-server” deployments using virtual machines. This is especially true if the container runs a stateless application! The talk features an overview of container technology for Oracle database professionals. It starts with an introduction of running containers locally on a development machine before focusing on more advanced topics. Since running individual containers is complicated container orchestration frameworks have been developed. Today’s best-known container orchestration framework is Kubernetes. Attendees can learn more about this important platform in the second half of the presentation. Many introductory talks on the subject don’t address a very important piece of the landscape: the persistent data store required for any stateful application. There are many ways of using the Oracle database in such application deployments, and attendees can learn about the most common ones in this presentation.

Martin Bach
17:00 - 17:45
What the Heck is the Oracle Optimizer Doing? Transformations

What the Heck is the Oracle Optimizer Doing? Transformations

When Oracle optimizes your SQL, it works out what it thinks is the best way to execute your statement to retrieve your data as quickly as possible, minimising unnecessary resource usage. This presentation will look at what Oracle is doing. We will use the 10053 trace functionality to show how Oracle is transforming your queries, perhaps in ways you didn't think it was doing!

Neil Chandler
Chandler Systems Ltd
17:00 - 17:45
Success stories
Business Inteligence v podporo odločanju na podlagi podatkov.

Business Inteligence v podporo odločanju na podlagi podatkov.

V predstavitvi bomo prikazali poslovno inteligencni sistem Skrinja in delili izkušnje in dobre prakse pri uporabi uspesne kombinacije: Oracle podatkovnega skladišča z Oracle Data Integratorjem skupaj z Microsoft Power BI sistemom. Skrinja v državni upravi služi predvsem intetaktivni podpori odločanju na podatkov na vseh ravneh. Z uporabo Skrinje dvigujem znanje ter avtomatiziramo, optimiziramo in izboljšujemo delo in odločitve tako odločevalcev kot tudi analitikov in končnih uporabnikov.

Paula Jožefa Kolenko in Karmen Kern Pipan
Ministrstvo za digitalno preobrazbo
17:00 - 17:45
Play against vulnerability with APEX

Play against vulnerability with APEX

Do you know that half of the cyber-attacks are never detected? Can you tell if your APEX application is secured? We CAN!

Do you know why? Because we included in the development lifecycle a process to check vulnerabilities and verify the security of our APEX application. This process can and should be included into your development process as well.

In this session we’ll discuss the type of security risks an APEX application can expose, and how our team is doing the evaluation of these risks.

You will find out about the free tools, paid tools and do-it-yourself tools you can use to verify the vulnerability of the system during the development process or gather information on a running system to identify intruders.

The session is inspired by security-check processes we are using in a few projects. It covers technical details as well as project planning, and it is addressed to developers, team leaders, and project managers.

Mirela Ardelean
Equip GmbH
17:55 - 18:40
What the Heck is the Oracle Optimizer Doing? Part 2 - Plan Costing

What the Heck is the Oracle Optimizer Doing? Part 2 - Plan Costing

When Oracle optimizes your SQL, it works out what it thinks is the best way to execute your statement to retrieve your data as quickly as possible, minimising unnecessary resource usage. This presentation will look at what Oracle is doing. We will use the 10053 trace functionality to show how Oracle uses statistics to cost your SQL access paths, showing what cost really means and how it works, and the impact of messing with system statistics on your database.

Neil Chandler
Chandler Systems Ltd
17:55 - 18:40
My view on Oracle’s position in Gartner Magic Quadrants for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms

My view on Oracle’s position in Gartner Magic Quadrants for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms

Gartner has published its Magic Quadrants for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms (Gartner, 2023) report for 2023, on April 5th.  As usually, it presents how various analytics and BI vendors position regarding the completeness of their vision and ability to execute. It is considered as “the go-to resource” when evaluating and comparing these technologies.
In thier report, Gartner says that the key Oracle’s strengths are in (Gartner, 2023):
  • Enterprise cloud data and analytics, 
  • Augmented capabilities throughout and 
  • Comprehensive data management.
So what exactly is meant by that? We will dig a bit deeper to discuss Oracle’s position and explain why Oracle is placed where it is placed - in Visionaries quadrant. Of course, everything in this presentation will be my personal view and experience.
Žiga Vaupot
17:55 - 18:40
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - novosti

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - novosti

Oracle Cloud infrastructure (OCI) oziroma poljudno imenovan "Oracle Cloud" je eden od 4 največjih ponudnikov oblačnih storitev. OCI ni statičen, ampak se neprestano posodablja - prihajajo nove storitve, obstoječe storitve pridobivajo nove funkcionalnosti, lažjo uporabo, laže upravljanje, večjo povezljivost. Posebej je potrebno omeniti Oracle Cloud@customer ponudbo, ki omogoča izvajanje Cloud storitve na lokaciji pri stranki oziroma na zemlji (ali pod zemljo v kleti organizacije). Prednosti Cloud @cutomer so velike in so najbolje iz obeh svetov - avtomatizacija in elastičnost oblačnih storitev na en strani in dobre in hitre povezave s podatki v Sloveniji po drugi strani.

Robert Korošec
19:30 - 24:00 .
Večerni dogodek

Večerni dogodek

Zabava bo potekala čez cesto od hotela Slovenija na plaži Meduza. Začeli bomo s prijetno večerjo in izbiro piv iz Pivovarne Pelicon, med katerimi bodo tudi:

  • Yes Boss!
  • Session IPA
  • Blonde ALE

V ozadju bo glasbo vrtel DJ Jaka, medtem ko bo Sam Sebastian, eden izmed največji čarovnikov, predstavil nekaj trikov, ki jih tudi ChatGPT ne zna razvozlati :-)

dj jaka

Petek, 2. junij

Seznam predavanj se še dopolnjuje, vabimo vas k spremljanju.

07:30 am - 09:00 am Registracija

9:00 - 9:45
Database development
(Single) Table Recovery

(Single) Table Recovery

Every DBA should know this situation. You receive a call from a user or customer. After executing a wrong command, for example, a DELETE without a correct WHERE clause or a script against the production database instead of the test database, the data of one or more tables have now a wrong state.

A rollback can solve this problem quickly, but what are the options when the transaction is already committed? In this presentation, I will explain possible ways to restore the state of a single table.

  • Flashback Query/Table/Transaction
  • Table Recovery using RMAN
  • Export/Import
  • LogMiner"
Christian Gohmann
Trivadis - Part of Accenture
9:00 - 9:45
CI/CD of relational databases

CI/CD of relational databases

Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) for database applications is becoming more common. Many projects create CI/CD pipelines to make their work easier and improve integration and deployment quality. Many tools promise a comprehensive solution for implementing database CI/CD and solving all kinds of problems. But what is known about database CI/CD from a scientific point of view? What elements are necessary for efficient and effective CI/CD? What improves team performance and reduces the risk of releases? This talk will present the latest data from a database CI/CD research project and examples of database CI/CD pipelines.

Jasmin Fluri
Schaltstelle GmbH
10:05 - 10:50
Merjenje performanc pred in po Oracle migraciji

Merjenje performanc pred in po Oracle migraciji

Kako ugotoviti ali se baza na novem strežniku, drugi platformi ali celo na drugi ediciji (enterprise/standard), odziva hitreje ali počasneje? Kako identificirati SQL stavke, ki so bili po migraciji počasnejši? Zakaj in za koliko so bili hitrejši v novem okolju?

Marsikatera organizacija se za odgovore na tovrstna vprašanja zanaša na dolgoletne izkušnje DBA-ja. Mi pa bomo tokrat prikazali, kako lahko pridemo do teh odgovorov tudi brez pisanja SQL stavkov, tako na Standard kot tudi na Enterprise Edition.

Urh Srečnik
Abakus Plus d.o.o.
10:05 - 10:50
Where it all comes together, secured payments with APEX

Where it all comes together, secured payments with APEX

Every Oracle release new features are introduced, but when to use them? In this presentation we are not diving deep into one specific feature but make use of a few to implement a payment interface with Oracle APEX. You will see everything you need to know to build an interace like that. I will also share the difficulties you will encounter building an interface like this. So if you want to know more about a real life use case for authentication, REST communication, JSON in the database and Webhooks this presentation will certainly please you. I will use Mollie as a payment provider.

Alan Arentsen
Arentsen Database Consultancy
11:00 - 11:45
Kako ukrotiti pobegle SQL stavke po nadgradnji baze, aplikacije ali hardvera?

Kako ukrotiti pobegle SQL stavke po nadgradnji baze, aplikacije ali hardvera?

Po nadgradnjah baze, aplikacije, hardvera in tudi po instalaciji patchsetov se rado zgodi, da nekateri SQL stavki pobegnejo - se ne izvajajo več tako kot pred spremembami. Če se izvajajo hitreje, to nikogar ne boli. Problem pa nastane, ko se začnejo izvajati počasneje.

Kakšne možnosti imamo, da izvajanje teh stavke "fiksiramo"? Kako to dosežemo tudi v Standard ediciji baze?

Ogledali si bomo tudi način, kako take stavke najti.


After upgrading databases, applications, HW or even after installing patch-sets it often happens that some SQL statements go wild, meaning they start performing significantly different compared to their behavior before the change. If performance is better then no one will complain, but if it is worse then you might have a problem.

What options exist to confine the execution of such statements? How this can be done in DB Standard Edition environments?

You will also find out how such SQL statements can be located.

Boris Oblak
Abakus plus d.o.o.
11:00 - 11:45
Database development
Oracle The Most Mysterious Cases

Oracle The Most Mysterious Cases

It was on a cold day in November when the silence was broken by a desperate scream: ‘Kill it! Kill it!”. The boss immediately pushed the button and brutally terminated the session. It has happened again… The Performance was murdered. Boss flicked through the case files. There were no usual suspects. Where is the murderer hiding then? The desk was buried under the cases’ files similar to this one. The File that hasn’t been seen in production for 6 months, the whole team has been looking for it, but there was no progress, not even a clue… Another reported missing - Data has left the Source System but never reached the Destination server…Nobody has seen it again… This is too much for one person. And that’s why I need YOUR help! During the session, we will solve all the mysterious cases together and we will find out what is responsible for the strange behavior of the system. Is the source of the problem a huge design error or a small decision at one of the stages of development? How minor design decisions can affect the system's performance and vulnerability to errors? Who is the murderer? The answer may surprise you!

Monika Lewandowska
11:00 - 11:45
Why I love the APEX-LOV

Why I love the APEX-LOV

'Choose an option', 'Mark your preference', 'Select your country' ...

Every web application we are using for booking our travels, for online banking, for placing online orders has at least one of these elements, has a list of choices.

A list of choices can be represented in APEX as a radio group or checkbox or select lists or popup LOV or shuttle.

Among these, the Popup LOV is the most complex component a developer can use for displaying a list of choices.

Join my session to learn more about it.

After a brief overview on every one of these item types, the talk will focus on the evolution of the Popup LOV, from the simple ones available in APEX 5.x to the mature ones available in APEX 23.1

How and where to define a LOV, are there any rules to follow, is it an advantage to define a LOV as a shared component, how dynamic a LOV can be, may I create dynamic actions associated with a LOV, does a LOV understand JavaScript?

This presentation aims to give answers to these questions.

The talk is addressed to not-so-experimented developers but even an advanced one might learn a trick or two.

Mirela Ardelean
Equip GmbH
11:55 - 12:40
Database development
JSON  Relational Duality

JSON Relational Duality

Oracle JSON Relational Duality technology allows developers to store and query JSON data in an Oracle database using SQL, while also preserving the hierarchical structure of the JSON data. This technology allows for seamless integration of JSON data with traditional relational data in the same database, providing a way to work with both structured and semi-structured data in one system.

Vili Tajnić
11:55 - 12:40
Database development
SQL: Good and evil are the same thing

SQL: Good and evil are the same thing

SQL is one of the most powerful languages. It gives us direct access to a database and allows us to manage the data: query, change, or delete it. We can join multiple tables, perform complicated calculations, and much more! That makes the possibility to use SQL directly from PL/SQL code one of the best features of Oracle. But, as Heraclitus said, Good and evil are the same thing - this possibility is one of the biggest problems in Oracle, too. Mixing SQL and PL/SQL code is so easy and tempting, that we do it all the time without giving it a lot of thought. The consequences, however, are serious and impact the clarity of the code, its testability, and the overall system performance.

In this talk, I will show that although SQL is a very powerful tool, it is not healthy for your system to have too much of it. I will show how you can get rid of some unnecessary SQL and therefore keep the good while avoiding the evil that comes with it.

Join me and see how to organize your database code to maximize the benefits of the powerful SQL and PL/SQL capabilities and avoid its hidden danger. Live coding and examples on demo!

Monika Lewandowska
11:55 - 12:40
Enemy of the Session State

Enemy of the Session State

This session will cover mistakes that are easily made - even by experienced developers - regarding the (mis)use of APEX Session State, database session contexts and caching. Hopefully this will prevent you to fall in a similar pitfall and stop you from being an enemy of the session state!

Roel Hartman
APEX Consulting
13:50 - 14:35
Is your database backup recoverable?

Is your database backup recoverable?

While concerns about new applications, end-user satisfaction, and the costs of IT all rightly get lots of press and IT attention, those concerns vary across businesses and fluctuate over time. Yet there are two constant headaches for all IT organizations: data loss and data recovery. Let’s face it, everything else in IT is replaceable. Data, if lost, cannot be replaced. Furthermore, when looked at in light of today’s demands and expectations of IT, the definition of “lost data” can reasonably be expanded to include data that is inaccessible to the business for long enough to significantly and negatively impact it. So, preventing data loss and providing rapid data/application recovery are equally important. Any data loss in Oracle Database environments—whether of the permanent or temporary variety—is likely to have a disproportionately harmful business impact. Oracle developed its Recovery Appliance to address the most common forms of potential data loss issues in Oracle Database environments. Its eponymous name is something of a rarity in IT marketing, but it emphasizes the system’s abilities to avoid permanent data loss and to greatly reduce temporary data lost to the business.

Our presentation is delivering real life reactive and proactive case studies and references from the Adriatic region which prove the need and value of Oracle’s Recovery Appliance engineered system.

Bojan Matijašević and Predrag Simovič
13:50 - 14:35
Database development
PLSQL's Believe it or not

PLSQL's Believe it or not

The basics of the PLSQL language are very easy to learn. Deceivingly easy. At one customer I saw what happens when people, after a brief introduction to PLSQL, think "This is simple, I can do this". I worked for this customer (no, I will not reveal their name) where the databases that I had to work with were built by people with obviously just a very basic understanding of the Oracle database and especially PLSQL. Many times a day I was shaking my head over the solutions that had been invented and the fixes if things didn't work. I would like to take you along on a journey through some of the things that I saw there. Come see how to not do a calculation in PLSQL, how not to get to know the number of rows in a collection, how not to repond when utl_file 'ignores line endings', why they claimed that Oracle's error messages have noting to do with what is actually wrong, and many more. And of course I'll also show you how it can be done better, just in case you don't know already. Mainly for fun, because I hope you will already know that these things are not the way to do it. However, if you see something and think "that's how I would have done it", don't be ashamed. None of us knows everything. We all make mistakes. We all do stupid things. But, if you think "I could have done that" with all of the examples ...... I know just the workplace for you :D

Erik van Roon
13:50 - 14:35
Understanding auto-rest (ORDS on steroids)

Understanding auto-rest (ORDS on steroids)

The Oracle Restful Data Services allow to "rest-enable" database objects like Tables, Views, Procedures and Functions. This includes data-retrieval and data-manipulation. Using a few simple directives in the URL you can search for specific records, order the result set or even limit the amount of records retrieved. On top of that the ORDS will automatically show you the resulting JSON The session focuses on the creation and use of autorest enabled services on objects. The creation section (1st half) focuses on the right format of your JSON result. The seconds half covers consuming these services; how to do CRUD operations, how to search the for data, how to paginate etc.

Richard Martens
SMART4Solutions BV
14:50 - 15:35
Supercharge your upgrade with AutoUpgrade

Supercharge your upgrade with AutoUpgrade

Upgrading your Oracle Database with AutoUpgrade is easy. But have you tried to use the advanced features in AutoUpgrade? You can easily supercharge your Oracle Database upgrade by using some of the advanced features. We will show you how to upgrade as many as PDBs as fast as possible and how you can leverage all nodes in your RAC cluster for optimal performance. You will also learn how to work with encrypted databases and how to deal with the encryption key. In addition, we will show you can migrate to the multitenant architecture using refreshable clone PDBs. Avoid a lengthy outage by allowing AutoUpgrade to copy the data files in advance and keep them in sync with redo. All that plus a few bonus features are covered in this session.

Daniel Overby Hansen
14:50 - 15:35
Using ORDS, REST webservices, PL/SQL and OAuth2 to Build, Deploy and Secure an API

Using ORDS, REST webservices, PL/SQL and OAuth2 to Build, Deploy and Secure an API

In this presentation, through building practical examples, attendees will learn how to build a secured REST API to enable searching on their application.

The resulting technology-independent REST API will be usable by both Oracle and by non-Oracle environments alike.

Topics to be covered include:

  • an architectural overview of the creation of ORDS web services in PL/SQL
  • setting up ORDS for your database schema
  • defining the search API in PL/SQL
  • creating ORDS module and templates for the API
  • management of HTTP return statuses and result pages pagination
  • securing the API via OAuth2 using ORDS clients, privileges and roles.
Niall Mc Phillips
Long Acre
14:50 - 15:35
Agilen razvoj spletnih aplikacij

Agilen razvoj spletnih aplikacij

Na Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje se za razvoj informacijskih rešitev uporabljajo tehnologije JAVA, BPM in RASD.

Na konferenci bi predstavili uporabo RASD platforme za izdelavo spletnih aplikacij in REST servisov, ki ga na Zavodu uporabljamo. RASD (Rapid Application Service Development) je razvojna platforma, ki omogoča hiter in enostaven razvoj HTML5 spletnih aplikacij in REST servisov na ORACLE baznem okolju. Ker je orodje enostavno za uporabo lahko v RASDju razvijajo uporabniki z različnim nivojem znanja programiranja (low/no code programming).

Na kratko bi opisali zahteve za namestitev in potek namestitve, integracijo z Git in vpeljavo DevOps metodologije za avtomatsko nameščanje, večji del predavanja pa bi namenili samemu orodju za razvoj aplikacij in servisov, opisu funkcionalnosti, generiranju kode, poteku izvedbe in končni uporabnosti. Predstavili bi tudi enostaven testni primer izdelave aplikacije.

15:45 - 16:30
Welcome to the World of OPatch

Welcome to the World of OPatch

Every DBA knows the small but important tool OPatch, which is mandatory for applying patches to an Oracle Home. Over the last years and versions, new tools, such as opatchauto, oplan or datapatch have been added, or features have been improved.

When using OPatch, the following questions often come up:

  1. How exactly do I use these tools or when can I not use these tools?
  2. How do I use Opatch to remove backups of old patches?
  3. How do I use OPlan to patch my complete cluster?
  4. How do I use datapatch to apply the changes to my databases?
  5. ...

The presentation will answer all these questions and provide some deep dive information into OPatch. Newer features like for example out-of-place patching will also be part of the presentation. Additionally, pitfalls and how to overcome them will be shown.

Christian Gohmann
Trivadis - Part of Accenture
15:45 - 16:30
To V or not to V? or.. using SQL Macros in APEX?

To V or not to V? or.. using SQL Macros in APEX?

The V function has been around APEX as long as ... let's say very long and that's a long time. The V function allows you to reference item values from session state in your SQL statements. When calling V there would always be a price to pay. With recent releases of the database there is a new way to do something similar; SQL Macro. With SQL Macro you can create parameterized views and this could be very interesting for APEX Developers. In this session I will give you an overview of this new functionality and how you can use it in your APEX applications.

Alex Nuijten