10:05 - 10:50 Track A

Merjenje performanc pred in po Oracle migraciji

Kako ugotoviti ali se baza na novem strežniku, drugi platformi ali celo na drugi ediciji (enterprise/standard), odziva hitreje ali počasneje? Kako identificirati SQL stavke, ki so bili po migraciji počasnejši? Zakaj in za koliko so bili hitrejši v novem okolju?

Marsikatera organizacija se za odgovore na tovrstna vprašanja zanaša na dolgoletne izkušnje DBA-ja. Mi pa bomo tokrat prikazali, kako lahko pridemo do teh odgovorov tudi brez pisanja SQL stavkov, tako na Standard kot tudi na Enterprise Edition.

Urh Srečnik
Abakus Plus d.o.o.
12:00 - 12:45 Track A

Git for Oracle Developers and DBAs

Most tutorials covering frontend development include a section about Version Control Systems and their importance during the development process. The same can’t necessarily be said about tutorials describing backend or database development. This might be a fact explaining the difference in adoption. Not using a Version Control System in support of database development is a missed opportunity though, especially since it’s a lot less difficult than one might expect. A plethora of tools such as Liquibase exist to help database developers generate scripts for applying their schema changes to databases. Repeatedly, securely, audited, and of course, version controlled. These scripts can easily be stored in a VCS, enabling entirely different, and more open, ways for developers to collaborate. This talk introduces Oracle developers and administrators alike to the virtues of git in conjunction with Liquibase as the deployment tool of choice. You can learn more about local repositories, branching, merging and how to use remote repositories to work with your peers. Once git’s key concepts are understood using it becomes a lot less scary and can turn into a fun activity

Martin Bach
16:05 - 16:50 Četrtek, 1. junij

Kako lahko pohitrimo razvoj z Oracle tehnologijo

Zavod ima že zelo dolgo zgodovino razvoja programske opreme. V zadnjih dobrih desetih letih smo s prenovo celotnega informacijskega sistema prešli na nove tehnologije in platforme. S tem smo močno povečali in pohitrili razvoj poslovnih rešitev. S prehodom na bazo Oracle se je to samo še povečalo. Na predavanju bomo predstavili integracijo programskih rešitev zavoda, kjer uporabljamo tehnologije Oracle. Osredotočili se bomo predvsem na integracijo izvedb aplikacij (različnih tehnologij) v naše okolje DevOps, ki v celoti temelji na produktih odprtih standardov in uporabo ""free"" orodij (integracija SQLcl, plsql2gitlab). Ena od razvojnih tehnologij, ki temelji na Oracle je tudi platforma RASD. S prehodom na DevOps smo avtomatizirali in poenotili nameščanje (testiranje) aplikacij prek vseh okolij zavoda (razvojno, testno, produkcijsko, javno). Poleg tega bomo prikazali ključne komponente tehnologije Oracle, ki jih uporabljamo v razvoju. To so komponente za sinhronizacijo podatkov med različnimi platformami, napredno nadzorno orodje in drugo.

Domen Dolar in Viljano Pavletić
12:00 - 12:45 Četrtek, 1. junij

Percentiles, lies, and database performance monitoring

It is becoming increasingly popular these days to put response time percentiles into the SLAs and OLAs. But, unfortunately, most people do it wrong. In this presentation, we will explain the most common failure modes regarding performance metrics and how to handle situations when someone comes complaining with a 99th percentile graph.

Response times are often not normally distributed, and averages and dispersions are just garbage. The simplest way to make sense of such data is to use percentiles. Popular choices are 50th (median) and 99th percentiles. By definition, there can be values larger than 99th percentile, so adding 99th percentile to the SLA will hide outliers.

Oracle provides histograms for the wait events, for query response times it is still only averages. The only way to get a hold of the outliers is ASH or event 10046 traces. As always, these options come with their own challenges.

Priit Piipuu
Kindred Group
15:00 - 15:45 Četrtek, 1. junij

APEX Application lifecycle with feature based deployment

APEX application deployment is mostly done by exporting the application and importing it into the target environment. But what if your team continuously develops (as they should), where do you stop developing to start preparing your release-deployment? You should be able to deploy based on features; without your developers having to halt their development. Using the deployment-method explained in this presentation you will be able to do just that. The method includes things like Code versioning (GIT), Feature-tickets (Jira), Code Review (Quality), Automated Deployment using Jenkins and Flyway. When implemented you will be able to successfully and predictively deploy your APEX applications (including underlying database objects) to the different deployment-environments. With a few modifications you can even upgrade the methodology to be a ""continuous delivery"" methodology.

Richard Martens
SMART4Solutions BV
16:05 - 16:50 Četrtek, 1. junij

An Introduction to Container Management, Kubernetes, and Stateful Apps

Containers are essential enablers for distributed applications following a micro-service pattern. A container is an easy, convenient, and safe way for developers to package their applications. Most importantly the risk of breaking other application’s software and library dependencies is greatly reduced by these self-contained artifacts compared to traditional “app-server” deployments using virtual machines. This is especially true if the container runs a stateless application! The talk features an overview of container technology for Oracle database professionals. It starts with an introduction of running containers locally on a development machine before focusing on more advanced topics. Since running individual containers is complicated container orchestration frameworks have been developed. Today’s best-known container orchestration framework is Kubernetes. Attendees can learn more about this important platform in the second half of the presentation. Many introductory talks on the subject don’t address a very important piece of the landscape: the persistent data store required for any stateful application. There are many ways of using the Oracle database in such application deployments, and attendees can learn about the most common ones in this presentation.

Martin Bach
10:05 - 10:50 Četrtek, 1. junij

Stop editing code in Production database - a journey from 90's to CICD

Source control in databases is a difficult problem. There are tools like Liquibase or Flyway but none of those is fully addressing all challenges of applying changes to databases. This presentation is based on real life implementation and shows a story of a company moving from direct PL/SQL code edit on production server to CICD pipeline.

List of the typical challenges covered in the presentation: - how to design a source control repository, - how to keep a DDL changes, - code merges, - continuous deployment without production outages - rollback - pipeline implementations

Presentation will finish with lesson learned and potential process and tools improvements including Oracle Cloud DevOps tools.

Marcin Przepiorowski
12:00 - 12:45 Četrtek, 1. junij

Git for Oracle Developers and DBAs

Most tutorials covering frontend development include a section about Version Control Systems and their importance during the development process. The same can’t necessarily be said about tutorials describing backend or database development. This might be a fact explaining the difference in adoption. Not using a Version Control System in support of database development is a missed opportunity though, especially since it’s a lot less difficult than one might expect. A plethora of tools such as Liquibase exist to help database developers generate scripts for applying their schema changes to databases. Repeatedly, securely, audited, and of course, version controlled. These scripts can easily be stored in a VCS, enabling entirely different, and more open, ways for developers to collaborate. This talk introduces Oracle developers and administrators alike to the virtues of git in conjunction with Liquibase as the deployment tool of choice. You can learn more about local repositories, branching, merging and how to use remote repositories to work with your peers. Once git’s key concepts are understood using it becomes a lot less scary and can turn into a fun activity

Martin Bach
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