12:55 - 13:40 Track B

Getting to grips with JSON in the database

With Oracle 21c and 23c, JSON in the database is now a reality. Mixed relational-JSON databases are on the verge of becoming mainstream.

In this session, using practical examples in the Oracle Cloud, we'll look at:

Generating JSON objects from relational data using SQL and PL/SQL

  • JSON object types
  • apex_json
Niall Mc Phillips
Long Acre
11:00 - 11:45 Track B

Game, Set and Match

The tagline of the Game of Set is: The Family Game of Visual Perception. It is a game of finding matching cards in a selected group of cards. Being a SQL guy, I read this as: SET: The GAME of MATCHing cards. In any database we can select SETs using MATCHing criteria. Where is the GAME? Well, for me, it is a game of trying to solve this puzzle using SQL. You will see how you can use the different SET operators in Oracle, how you can use JOINs to create a SET of cards, from which you can SELECT a puzzle and also find the SETs in that puzzle.

Patrick Barel
14:50 - 15:35 Track B

Using ORDS, REST webservices, PL/SQL and OAuth2 to Build, Deploy and Secure an API

In this presentation, through building practical examples, attendees will learn how to build a secured REST API to enable searching on their application.

The resulting technology-independent REST API will be usable by both Oracle and by non-Oracle environments alike.

Topics to be covered include:

  • an architectural overview of the creation of ORDS web services in PL/SQL
  • setting up ORDS for your database schema
  • defining the search API in PL/SQL
  • creating ORDS module and templates for the API
  • management of HTTP return statuses and result pages pagination
  • securing the API via OAuth2 using ORDS clients, privileges and roles.
Niall Mc Phillips
Long Acre
14:50 - 15:35 Petek, 2. junij

Using ORDS, REST webservices, PL/SQL and OAuth2 to Build, Deploy and Secure an API

In this presentation, through building practical examples, attendees will learn how to build a secured REST API to enable searching on their application.

The resulting technology-independent REST API will be usable by both Oracle and by non-Oracle environments alike.

Topics to be covered include:

  • an architectural overview of the creation of ORDS web services in PL/SQL
  • setting up ORDS for your database schema
  • defining the search API in PL/SQL
  • creating ORDS module and templates for the API
  • management of HTTP return statuses and result pages pagination
  • securing the API via OAuth2 using ORDS clients, privileges and roles.
Niall Mc Phillips
Long Acre
14:50 - 15:35 Petek, 2. junij

Agilen razvoj spletnih aplikacij

Na Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje se za razvoj informacijskih rešitev uporabljajo tehnologije JAVA, BPM in RASD.

Na konferenci bi predstavili uporabo RASD platforme za izdelavo spletnih aplikacij in REST servisov, ki ga na Zavodu uporabljamo. RASD (Rapid Application Service Development) je razvojna platforma, ki omogoča hiter in enostaven razvoj HTML5 spletnih aplikacij in REST servisov na ORACLE baznem okolju. Ker je orodje enostavno za uporabo lahko v RASDju razvijajo uporabniki z različnim nivojem znanja programiranja (low/no code programming).

Na kratko bi opisali zahteve za namestitev in potek namestitve, integracijo z Git in vpeljavo DevOps metodologije za avtomatsko nameščanje, večji del predavanja pa bi namenili samemu orodju za razvoj aplikacij in servisov, opisu funkcionalnosti, generiranju kode, poteku izvedbe in končni uporabnosti. Predstavili bi tudi enostaven testni primer izdelave aplikacije.

13:50 - 14:35 Track C

Understanding auto-rest (ORDS on steroids)

The Oracle Restful Data Services allow to "rest-enable" database objects like Tables, Views, Procedures and Functions. This includes data-retrieval and data-manipulation. Using a few simple directives in the URL you can search for specific records, order the result set or even limit the amount of records retrieved. On top of that the ORDS will automatically show you the resulting JSON The session focuses on the creation and use of autorest enabled services on objects. The creation section (1st half) focuses on the right format of your JSON result. The seconds half covers consuming these services; how to do CRUD operations, how to search the for data, how to paginate etc.

Richard Martens
SMART4Solutions BV
14:50 - 15:35 Track C

Agilen razvoj spletnih aplikacij

Na Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje se za razvoj informacijskih rešitev uporabljajo tehnologije JAVA, BPM in RASD.

Na konferenci bi predstavili uporabo RASD platforme za izdelavo spletnih aplikacij in REST servisov, ki ga na Zavodu uporabljamo. RASD (Rapid Application Service Development) je razvojna platforma, ki omogoča hiter in enostaven razvoj HTML5 spletnih aplikacij in REST servisov na ORACLE baznem okolju. Ker je orodje enostavno za uporabo lahko v RASDju razvijajo uporabniki z različnim nivojem znanja programiranja (low/no code programming).

Na kratko bi opisali zahteve za namestitev in potek namestitve, integracijo z Git in vpeljavo DevOps metodologije za avtomatsko nameščanje, večji del predavanja pa bi namenili samemu orodju za razvoj aplikacij in servisov, opisu funkcionalnosti, generiranju kode, poteku izvedbe in končni uporabnosti. Predstavili bi tudi enostaven testni primer izdelave aplikacije.

15:00 - 15:45 Track C

APEX Application lifecycle with feature based deployment

APEX application deployment is mostly done by exporting the application and importing it into the target environment. But what if your team continuously develops (as they should), where do you stop developing to start preparing your release-deployment? You should be able to deploy based on features; without your developers having to halt their development. Using the deployment-method explained in this presentation you will be able to do just that. The method includes things like Code versioning (GIT), Feature-tickets (Jira), Code Review (Quality), Automated Deployment using Jenkins and Flyway. When implemented you will be able to successfully and predictively deploy your APEX applications (including underlying database objects) to the different deployment-environments. With a few modifications you can even upgrade the methodology to be a ""continuous delivery"" methodology.

Richard Martens
SMART4Solutions BV
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