07:30 - 09:00 Registracija

9:25 - 9:45
5G Private mobile network on OCI

5G Private mobile network on OCI

Three years ago, S&T Iskratel decided to develop its own 5G core as part of a comprehensive 5G solution, offering high-quality industrial networks for digital transformation. To quickly introduce modern use cases and scalability requirements, it used the concept of a cloud-based network that enables the 5G core to realize its full potential.

It has successfully deployed the 5G core on both public and private cloud infrastructure, enabling exceptional flexibility and scalability not only for its own core but for the entire 5G solution. Using cloud infrastructure, 5G solutions can be tailored to the needs and demands of customers, providing an optimal user experience. Deploying the 5G core on cloud infrastructure also enables more efficient resource utilization, greater security, and reliability of the entire network.

In this talk, we will address the motivation for transitioning to a cloud-native architecture and the experiences gained in developing and deploying cloud-based solutions. We will highlight the problems and challenges that engineers faced and list the numerous competences that S&T Iskratel also offers its customers in the form of professional services.

Urban Zaletel
S&T Iskratel
17:00 - 17:45
Business Inteligence v podporo odločanju na podlagi podatkov.

Business Inteligence v podporo odločanju na podlagi podatkov.

V predstavitvi bomo prikazali poslovno inteligencni sistem Skrinja in delili izkušnje in dobre prakse pri uporabi uspesne kombinacije: Oracle podatkovnega skladišča z Oracle Data Integratorjem skupaj z Microsoft Power BI sistemom. Skrinja v državni upravi služi predvsem intetaktivni podpori odločanju na podatkov na vseh ravneh. Z uporabo Skrinje dvigujem znanje ter avtomatiziramo, optimiziramo in izboljšujemo delo in odločitve tako odločevalcev kot tudi analitikov in končnih uporabnikov.

Paula Jožefa Kolenko in Karmen Kern Pipan
Ministrstvo za digitalno preobrazbo
11:00 - 11:45
Game, Set and Match

Game, Set and Match

The tagline of the Game of Set is: The Family Game of Visual Perception. It is a game of finding matching cards in a selected group of cards. Being a SQL guy, I read this as: SET: The GAME of MATCHing cards. In any database we can select SETs using MATCHing criteria. Where is the GAME? Well, for me, it is a game of trying to solve this puzzle using SQL. You will see how you can use the different SET operators in Oracle, how you can use JOINs to create a SET of cards, from which you can SELECT a puzzle and also find the SETs in that puzzle.

Patrick Barel
10:05 - 10:50
Generiranje SVG datotek neposredno iz Oracle podatkovne baze

Generiranje SVG datotek neposredno iz Oracle podatkovne baze

Na predavanju želim predstaviti API za generiranje SVG datotek neposredno iz Oracle podatkovne baze, izključno z uporabo PL/SQL paketa, katerega sem razvil za potrebe mojih projektov. Najprej bom predstavil SVG datoteke – njihovo zgodovino, namen, strukturo, način integracije z CSS in Javascript-om, potem pa uporabo PL/SQL API-ja in konkretne primere implementacije v Oracle APEX aplikaciji. API se je izkazal uporaben, ker za generiranje SVG datotek ne rabimo dodatna orodja ali programske jezike temveč samo PL/SQL znotraj Oracle podatkovne baze.

Zoran Tica
The Right Thing Solutions
12:55 - 13:40
Getting to grips with JSON in the database

Getting to grips with JSON in the database

With Oracle 21c and 23c, JSON in the database is now a reality. Mixed relational-JSON databases are on the verge of becoming mainstream.

In this session, using practical examples in the Oracle Cloud, we'll look at:

Generating JSON objects from relational data using SQL and PL/SQL

  • JSON object types
  • apex_json
Niall Mc Phillips
Long Acre
16:05 - 16:50
Kako lahko pohitrimo razvoj z Oracle tehnologijo

Kako lahko pohitrimo razvoj z Oracle tehnologijo

Zavod ima že zelo dolgo zgodovino razvoja programske opreme. V zadnjih dobrih desetih letih smo s prenovo celotnega informacijskega sistema prešli na nove tehnologije in platforme. S tem smo močno povečali in pohitrili razvoj poslovnih rešitev. S prehodom na bazo Oracle se je to samo še povečalo. Na predavanju bomo predstavili integracijo programskih rešitev zavoda, kjer uporabljamo tehnologije Oracle. Osredotočili se bomo predvsem na integracijo izvedb aplikacij (različnih tehnologij) v naše okolje DevOps, ki v celoti temelji na produktih odprtih standardov in uporabo ""free"" orodij (integracija SQLcl, plsql2gitlab). Ena od razvojnih tehnologij, ki temelji na Oracle je tudi platforma RASD. S prehodom na DevOps smo avtomatizirali in poenotili nameščanje (testiranje) aplikacij prek vseh okolij zavoda (razvojno, testno, produkcijsko, javno). Poleg tega bomo prikazali ključne komponente tehnologije Oracle, ki jih uporabljamo v razvoju. To so komponente za sinhronizacijo podatkov med različnimi platformami, napredno nadzorno orodje in drugo.

Domen Dolar in Viljano Pavletić
17:55 - 18:40
My view on Oracle’s position in Gartner Magic Quadrants for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms

My view on Oracle’s position in Gartner Magic Quadrants for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms

Gartner has published its Magic Quadrants for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms (Gartner, 2023) report for 2023, on April 5th.  As usually, it presents how various analytics and BI vendors position regarding the completeness of their vision and ability to execute. It is considered as “the go-to resource” when evaluating and comparing these technologies.
In thier report, Gartner says that the key Oracle’s strengths are in (Gartner, 2023):
  • Enterprise cloud data and analytics, 
  • Augmented capabilities throughout and 
  • Comprehensive data management.
So what exactly is meant by that? We will dig a bit deeper to discuss Oracle’s position and explain why Oracle is placed where it is placed - in Visionaries quadrant. Of course, everything in this presentation will be my personal view and experience.
Žiga Vaupot
15:00 - 15:45
Oracle Analytics Semantic Modeller

Oracle Analytics Semantic Modeller

One of the most overlooked components of the Oracle Analytics platform has been the Administration Tool used to manage the repository. We'll take a look back at the "Admin" Tool which is being replaced (eventually). Also, we'll look at the structure of the semantic model and take a deep dive into some features that should improve the semantic modelling process.

Joel Acha
12:00 - 12:45
Percentiles, lies, and database performance monitoring

Percentiles, lies, and database performance monitoring

It is becoming increasingly popular these days to put response time percentiles into the SLAs and OLAs. But, unfortunately, most people do it wrong. In this presentation, we will explain the most common failure modes regarding performance metrics and how to handle situations when someone comes complaining with a 99th percentile graph.

Response times are often not normally distributed, and averages and dispersions are just garbage. The simplest way to make sense of such data is to use percentiles. Popular choices are 50th (median) and 99th percentiles. By definition, there can be values larger than 99th percentile, so adding 99th percentile to the SLA will hide outliers.

Oracle provides histograms for the wait events, for query response times it is still only averages. The only way to get a hold of the outliers is ASH or event 10046 traces. As always, these options come with their own challenges.

Priit Piipuu
Kindred Group
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