Track A (9)

9:00 - 9:45
(Single) Table Recovery

(Single) Table Recovery

Every DBA should know this situation. You receive a call from a user or customer. After executing a wrong command, for example, a DELETE without a correct WHERE clause or a script against the production database instead of the test database, the data of one or more tables have now a wrong state.

A rollback can solve this problem quickly, but what are the options when the transaction is already committed? In this presentation, I will explain possible ways to restore the state of a single table.

  • Flashback Query/Table/Transaction
  • Table Recovery using RMAN
  • Export/Import
  • LogMiner"
Christian Gohmann
Trivadis - Part of Accenture
13:50 - 14:35
Is your database backup recoverable?

Is your database backup recoverable?

While concerns about new applications, end-user satisfaction, and the costs of IT all rightly get lots of press and IT attention, those concerns vary across businesses and fluctuate over time. Yet there are two constant headaches for all IT organizations: data loss and data recovery. Let’s face it, everything else in IT is replaceable. Data, if lost, cannot be replaced. Furthermore, when looked at in light of today’s demands and expectations of IT, the definition of “lost data” can reasonably be expanded to include data that is inaccessible to the business for long enough to significantly and negatively impact it. So, preventing data loss and providing rapid data/application recovery are equally important. Any data loss in Oracle Database environments—whether of the permanent or temporary variety—is likely to have a disproportionately harmful business impact. Oracle developed its Recovery Appliance to address the most common forms of potential data loss issues in Oracle Database environments. Its eponymous name is something of a rarity in IT marketing, but it emphasizes the system’s abilities to avoid permanent data loss and to greatly reduce temporary data lost to the business.

Our presentation is delivering real life reactive and proactive case studies and references from the Adriatic region which prove the need and value of Oracle’s Recovery Appliance engineered system.

Bojan Matijašević and Predrag Simovič
11:55 - 12:40
JSON  Relational Duality

JSON Relational Duality

Oracle JSON Relational Duality technology allows developers to store and query JSON data in an Oracle database using SQL, while also preserving the hierarchical structure of the JSON data. This technology allows for seamless integration of JSON data with traditional relational data in the same database, providing a way to work with both structured and semi-structured data in one system.

Vili Tajnić
11:00 - 11:45
Kako ukrotiti pobegle SQL stavke po nadgradnji baze, aplikacije ali hardvera?

Kako ukrotiti pobegle SQL stavke po nadgradnji baze, aplikacije ali hardvera?

Po nadgradnjah baze, aplikacije, hardvera in tudi po instalaciji patchsetov se rado zgodi, da nekateri SQL stavki pobegnejo - se ne izvajajo več tako kot pred spremembami. Če se izvajajo hitreje, to nikogar ne boli. Problem pa nastane, ko se začnejo izvajati počasneje.

Kakšne možnosti imamo, da izvajanje teh stavke "fiksiramo"? Kako to dosežemo tudi v Standard ediciji baze?

Ogledali si bomo tudi način, kako take stavke najti.


After upgrading databases, applications, HW or even after installing patch-sets it often happens that some SQL statements go wild, meaning they start performing significantly different compared to their behavior before the change. If performance is better then no one will complain, but if it is worse then you might have a problem.

What options exist to confine the execution of such statements? How this can be done in DB Standard Edition environments?

You will also find out how such SQL statements can be located.

Boris Oblak
Abakus plus d.o.o.
10:05 - 10:50
Merjenje performanc pred in po Oracle migraciji

Merjenje performanc pred in po Oracle migraciji

Kako ugotoviti ali se baza na novem strežniku, drugi platformi ali celo na drugi ediciji (enterprise/standard), odziva hitreje ali počasneje? Kako identificirati SQL stavke, ki so bili po migraciji počasnejši? Zakaj in za koliko so bili hitrejši v novem okolju?

Marsikatera organizacija se za odgovore na tovrstna vprašanja zanaša na dolgoletne izkušnje DBA-ja. Mi pa bomo tokrat prikazali, kako lahko pridemo do teh odgovorov tudi brez pisanja SQL stavkov, tako na Standard kot tudi na Enterprise Edition.

Urh Srečnik
Abakus Plus d.o.o.
14:50 - 15:35
Supercharge your upgrade with AutoUpgrade

Supercharge your upgrade with AutoUpgrade

Upgrading your Oracle Database with AutoUpgrade is easy. But have you tried to use the advanced features in AutoUpgrade? You can easily supercharge your Oracle Database upgrade by using some of the advanced features. We will show you how to upgrade as many as PDBs as fast as possible and how you can leverage all nodes in your RAC cluster for optimal performance. You will also learn how to work with encrypted databases and how to deal with the encryption key. In addition, we will show you can migrate to the multitenant architecture using refreshable clone PDBs. Avoid a lengthy outage by allowing AutoUpgrade to copy the data files in advance and keep them in sync with redo. All that plus a few bonus features are covered in this session.

Daniel Overby Hansen
15:45 - 16:30
Welcome to the World of OPatch

Welcome to the World of OPatch

Every DBA knows the small but important tool OPatch, which is mandatory for applying patches to an Oracle Home. Over the last years and versions, new tools, such as opatchauto, oplan or datapatch have been added, or features have been improved.

When using OPatch, the following questions often come up:

  1. How exactly do I use these tools or when can I not use these tools?
  2. How do I use Opatch to remove backups of old patches?
  3. How do I use OPlan to patch my complete cluster?
  4. How do I use datapatch to apply the changes to my databases?
  5. ...

The presentation will answer all these questions and provide some deep dive information into OPatch. Newer features like for example out-of-place patching will also be part of the presentation. Additionally, pitfalls and how to overcome them will be shown.

Christian Gohmann
Trivadis - Part of Accenture
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