9:00 - 9:45 Track A

(Single) Table Recovery

Every DBA should know this situation. You receive a call from a user or customer. After executing a wrong command, for example, a DELETE without a correct WHERE clause or a script against the production database instead of the test database, the data of one or more tables have now a wrong state.

A rollback can solve this problem quickly, but what are the options when the transaction is already committed? In this presentation, I will explain possible ways to restore the state of a single table.

  • Flashback Query/Table/Transaction
  • Table Recovery using RMAN
  • Export/Import
  • LogMiner"
Christian Gohmann
Trivadis - Part of Accenture
16:05 - 16:50 Četrtek, 1. junij

Back to the Future with Analytic Function

Analytic functions in SQL, also known as windowing functions, have been around for quite a while now. Even if you are familiar with the concept of analytic functions and are working with them occasionally, you may not realize the full potential of this feature, and in how many different scenarios it can be used.

In this session, we will go over a few real-life client requirements for which a solution needs to be found. We will go back to the time before analytic functions existed and will try to solve the client requirements without them. Then, we will return to the present where analytic functions exist, taking advantage of them to provide the same results.

So, if you’d like to see how using analytical functions can provide a simpler, more maintainable, and better-performing solution, then prepare to step into your future and come to this session.

Erik van Roon
10:05 - 10:50 Track A

Merjenje performanc pred in po Oracle migraciji

Kako ugotoviti ali se baza na novem strežniku, drugi platformi ali celo na drugi ediciji (enterprise/standard), odziva hitreje ali počasneje? Kako identificirati SQL stavke, ki so bili po migraciji počasnejši? Zakaj in za koliko so bili hitrejši v novem okolju?

Marsikatera organizacija se za odgovore na tovrstna vprašanja zanaša na dolgoletne izkušnje DBA-ja. Mi pa bomo tokrat prikazali, kako lahko pridemo do teh odgovorov tudi brez pisanja SQL stavkov, tako na Standard kot tudi na Enterprise Edition.

Urh Srečnik
Abakus Plus d.o.o.
16:05 - 16:50 Track A

Back to the Future with Analytic Function

Analytic functions in SQL, also known as windowing functions, have been around for quite a while now. Even if you are familiar with the concept of analytic functions and are working with them occasionally, you may not realize the full potential of this feature, and in how many different scenarios it can be used.

In this session, we will go over a few real-life client requirements for which a solution needs to be found. We will go back to the time before analytic functions existed and will try to solve the client requirements without them. Then, we will return to the present where analytic functions exist, taking advantage of them to provide the same results.

So, if you’d like to see how using analytical functions can provide a simpler, more maintainable, and better-performing solution, then prepare to step into your future and come to this session.

Erik van Roon
11:55 - 12:40 Track A

JSON Relational Duality

Oracle JSON Relational Duality technology allows developers to store and query JSON data in an Oracle database using SQL, while also preserving the hierarchical structure of the JSON data. This technology allows for seamless integration of JSON data with traditional relational data in the same database, providing a way to work with both structured and semi-structured data in one system.

Vili Tajnić
15:00 - 15:45 Četrtek, 1. junij

Oracle Database high availability from the client's perspective

In this presentation we will look into high availability technologies Oracle provides for database clients, what happens during database instance failover or planned maintenance, and how to configure database services so that Java applications experience no or minimal disruption during scheduled maintenance or unplanned downtime.

We will cover both Oracle RAC and Oracle Single instance databases. Can some Oracle RAC high-availability features be added to single instance database setups? What is Oracle Connection Manager, and how does it fit into the high availability world. On the client side we will mainly focus on JDBC and UCP clients.

Priit Piipuu
Kindred Group
15:00 - 15:45 Track A

Oracle Database high availability from the client's perspective

In this presentation we will look into high availability technologies Oracle provides for database clients, what happens during database instance failover or planned maintenance, and how to configure database services so that Java applications experience no or minimal disruption during scheduled maintenance or unplanned downtime.

We will cover both Oracle RAC and Oracle Single instance databases. Can some Oracle RAC high-availability features be added to single instance database setups? What is Oracle Connection Manager, and how does it fit into the high availability world. On the client side we will mainly focus on JDBC and UCP clients.

Priit Piipuu
Kindred Group
10:05 - 10:50 Četrtek, 1. junij

Generiranje SVG datotek neposredno iz Oracle podatkovne baze

Na predavanju želim predstaviti API za generiranje SVG datotek neposredno iz Oracle podatkovne baze, izključno z uporabo PL/SQL paketa, katerega sem razvil za potrebe mojih projektov. Najprej bom predstavil SVG datoteke – njihovo zgodovino, namen, strukturo, način integracije z CSS in Javascript-om, potem pa uporabo PL/SQL API-ja in konkretne primere implementacije v Oracle APEX aplikaciji. API se je izkazal uporaben, ker za generiranje SVG datotek ne rabimo dodatna orodja ali programske jezike temveč samo PL/SQL znotraj Oracle podatkovne baze.

Zoran Tica
The Right Thing Solutions
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