My view on Oracle’s position in Gartner Magic Quadrants for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms
- Enterprise cloud data and analytics,
- Augmented capabilities throughout and
- Comprehensive data management.
- Speaker:
- Žiga Vaupot
- Podjetje
- Qubix
In this presentation, through building practical examples, attendees will learn how to build a secured REST API to enable searching on their application.
The resulting technology-independent REST API will be usable by both Oracle and by non-Oracle environments alike.
Topics to be covered include:
OCI Vision is a self-service AI Service, which applies computer vision to analyze image-based content. It allows developers easily integrate pre-trained models into their applications with APIs or custom training models to meet their specific use cases. In our example, I will explore how to use OCI Vision service to create a custom-built model to detect pneumonia infected lungs on a fresh dataset of X-ray images. In this example, I am using rather large dataset of X-ray images found on Oracle Analytics is then used as a front-end tool to use the model to classify new images for pneumonia.
What to expect to see in this presentation? In the first place, we will demonstrate and explore the whole process from “plain” X-ray image to identifying pneumonia infected lungs using OCI services:
Gathering and storing images to OCI Object Storage. Labeling images depending on whether they represent normal or pneumonia infected lungs using Data Labeling service. Building and training an image classification model using OCI Vision. Registering an OCI Vision model with Oracle Analytics. Applying a model in Oracle Analytics’ Data Flows. Visualizing everything at the end by using Oracle Analytics Data Visualization. Why is this relevant?
Firstly, it shows the flexibility and usability of the OCI ecosystem, specifically Data Lakehouse services. Secondly, the whole process (with exception of data labeling which is done programmatically) is codeless, with not too many steps in the process, and the process itself is really very simple to use. This implies possibilities which can be explored by much wider range of users comparing to the situation today, where all depends on skilled developers and data scientists. And the bottom line, this can have very positive impact on business.
Read more...The Oracle Restful Data Services allow to "rest-enable" database objects like Tables, Views, Procedures and Functions. This includes data-retrieval and data-manipulation. Using a few simple directives in the URL you can search for specific records, order the result set or even limit the amount of records retrieved. On top of that the ORDS will automatically show you the resulting JSON The session focuses on the creation and use of autorest enabled services on objects. The creation section (1st half) focuses on the right format of your JSON result. The seconds half covers consuming these services; how to do CRUD operations, how to search the for data, how to paginate etc.
Read more...Oracle Cloud infrastructure (OCI) oziroma poljudno imenovan "Oracle Cloud" je eden od 4 največjih ponudnikov oblačnih storitev. OCI ni statičen, ampak se neprestano posodablja - prihajajo nove storitve, obstoječe storitve pridobivajo nove funkcionalnosti, lažjo uporabo, laže upravljanje, večjo povezljivost. Posebej je potrebno omeniti Oracle Cloud@customer ponudbo, ki omogoča izvajanje Cloud storitve na lokaciji pri stranki oziroma na zemlji (ali pod zemljo v kleti organizacije). Prednosti Cloud @cutomer so velike in so najbolje iz obeh svetov - avtomatizacija in elastičnost oblačnih storitev na en strani in dobre in hitre povezave s podatki v Sloveniji po drugi strani.
Read more...Containers are essential enablers for distributed applications following a micro-service pattern. A container is an easy, convenient, and safe way for developers to package their applications. Most importantly the risk of breaking other application’s software and library dependencies is greatly reduced by these self-contained artifacts compared to traditional “app-server” deployments using virtual machines. This is especially true if the container runs a stateless application! The talk features an overview of container technology for Oracle database professionals. It starts with an introduction of running containers locally on a development machine before focusing on more advanced topics. Since running individual containers is complicated container orchestration frameworks have been developed. Today’s best-known container orchestration framework is Kubernetes. Attendees can learn more about this important platform in the second half of the presentation. Many introductory talks on the subject don’t address a very important piece of the landscape: the persistent data store required for any stateful application. There are many ways of using the Oracle database in such application deployments, and attendees can learn about the most common ones in this presentation.